Thursday, June 16, 2022

Journalists in the US dismiss covering both sides of issues, don't even pretend not to be biased in favor of Democrats.


"A Pew survey published this week found that a majority of journalists, 55%, reject the idea that both sides "always deserve equal coverage."At the same time, 82% of respondents said the press should keep their personal views out of their reporting, but only 55% told Pew that they think that journalists are succeeding at this goal.Lemon has frequently asserted that he is "not a political person" while arattacking Republicans and praising Democrats."

This idea of "journalists" reporting only their opinion and what they like is both reprehensible ethically and unprofessional in the extreme. I am sure legendary greats like Walter Cronkite and Chet Brinkley are rolling in their graves. The lack of ethical values in our society is unfortunate and being acted out on the news shows that used to inform and enlighten us. Now they try to indoctrinate and confuse us, indeed often lie to us. 

There is a need for free, independent and objective press, a real need; one so important that the ideal is enshrined in the First Amendment. Never in the history of our country has the press been actively one sided, opinionated yes, but never has one side been suppressed in a free country. That is the stuff of Nazi Germany, Cuba, the USSR and Communist China. The press, especially left wing mouthpieces like CNN, MSNBC and the like, have actually been proactive in destroying freedom and objectivity in the press. It's a self inflicted mortal wound, and we are doing nothing to stop it. According to the left, Republicans can and should be censored, essentially cutting off the interests and positions of over half of the country. 

A journalist who favors one side is not a journalist anymore, they are a propagandist. The news is the news only when it is equal, unbiased and fair. this is indoctrination and propaganda for the left, not news. If CNN wants to become the official voice of the left, then that is exactly what they should acknowledge. If they claim to be a news source, they must be fair and balanced, no bias, no presenting the official talking points of the DNC or BLM, or the CCP, for that matter, as the truth. It's not true, it is propaganda and as such dangerous in the extreme.

Democracy only works when its citizens are informed. Indoctrinate is not informed, and if we want freedom and liberty, our minds must be free to make our own decisions, from unbiased, true and factual news. Nothing less should be broadcast under any circumstances. Whatever the left thinks of the right, they either respect their right to be heard, or risk losing their own freedom. Once any side is suppressed or vilified, our freedom is also. Every democrat should be concerned about this as much as if the press were pushing conservative values and suppressing the left, since if they come for your neighbor today, they will come for you tomorrow. Never, ever forget that historic fact. 

Giving up the freedom of the press to liberal progressives means the precedent is set, and whoever gains power can and will consolidate that power using the press. Like fire, it burns everyone. Lose the freedom and purity of the press, and lose freedom. It is that simple. 


Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...