Monday, June 20, 2022

Spin as you will, gay, bi, trans teens and adults have more mental illness, higher suicide rates and more drug overdoses.
No matter how the MSM and LGBTQ apologists spin the issue and indeed try to pad numbers and "factor" reports, Gays have higher rates of suicide, drug use, depression and mental illness. Period, factual statement based on "Science" (for the inevitable arguments from the "follow the science" crowd) 
This "unfortunate truth", to coin a misused phrase by Al Gore, is always a source of ambivalence to the Left. On one hand, they want desperately to say that this just proves that gays are alienated by society, on the other, this gives credence to the long held position by most non-woke rationalists that gays are mentally ill by definition. That is not sitting well with the lovers of and adherents to the Left's Narrative.

I think I am comfortable with both perceptions on the issue. As a Christian, the Bible specifically treats homosexuality as a mortal sin, indeed one hated by God, if you read the Old Testament. The Apostle Paul pulls no punches in his condemnation of deviant sexual practices. For those who argue that the laws that prohibit homosexual behavior are set out in the same laws that banned putting old and new cloth together and eating shellfish. This argument seems spurious to me, since the historic accounts of the application of the Law suggest that not all parts of the law were considered morally deplorable as others. The severe punishments of the Old Testament were needed at the time to keep order in the isolated and vulnerable society. The laws were both for the protection (and health) of the individual and the society at large. In any case, the ban against deviant sexual behavior is not at all in the same class as eating shellfish, although both can kill you. 

The point is that the traditional family, Dad, Mom. kids, and in many cases, grandparents, was the literal building block for a strong, functional society. The Greeks used youthful homosexual ties to make young warriors defend each other, but it eventually ended up in the demise of Spartan military might, and allowed Athens to defeat the army that once was the toughest in the civilized world. They never recovered. The Greek fighters that remained eventually became the core of the Roman Legion, whose strict behavioral rules prevented homosexual behavior from eroding the warrior ethos of the legion. Traditional family and homosexuality are diametrically opposed. The traditional family historically works. It has been the strong core of every successful society, and its deterioration the indicator of a culture in decline. 

Interestingly, early behavioristic Psychology studies with rat colonies noted that homosexual behavior in the colony indicated terminal stress within the colony. In most failed cultures, the public acceptance of homosexuality became prevalent with the downward spiral of the dying culture. Increase in prevalence of homosexual activity has never in history been an indicator of a growing and healthy culture. I think anyone can do the math from here. While many social networks actively ban and punish anyone who dares to state these facts, they are facts. Stating that studies constantly and consistently show that mental instability is much higher in gay populations is "hate speech" . Sorry Sparky, but facts are facts, not "hate speech". If you chant "follow the science" for climate change and covid lockdowns, you are a true hypocrite if you don't apply that same rigor to homosexuality as a social deviance. 

I believe gay/bi/trans behavior is mental illness, having a portion of the society support it and try to normalize it changes nothing. There are 2 and only 2 biological sexes, they are complimentary and need each other. There is no substitute for the traditional family for the good of children, the couple and society. Traditional family works. gay and other "alternative lifestyles" do not. They are aberrant and dysfunctional, as well as morally perverted. That is not hate speech, that is simple fact. History does not lie, and social science supports it. As to hate speech, it's BS to call a spade a spade "hate speech". Hate the sin, love the sinner. Love means wanting the best for the person. Gay lifestyle is best for no one. 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...