Monday, January 24, 2022
Liberals and Feminists Shot Each Other in the Foot with their Woke Policies.
Saturday, January 22, 2022
"White racist policies" are not the cause of Black community problems, irresponsible adults are the cause.
When left to their own devices, young men are lazy, disoriented, distracted and destructive. The sad thing is that these young men were, at one time, raised and trained to protect, to build and to create strong families, ant thus, strong communities. The single most important determinant of a boy's success as a man is having a strong father in the home. The mother/wife is the key to that father's success as a father. Being a dad is incredibly difficult, scary and demanding. It is not easy to be a good father without a guide and helpmate.
In the only hardwired social structure in human history, the tribe, young men were trained as the protectors of the village, trained by the elder men and encouraged and nurtured by the women in their lives. Only the traditional family with its intrinsic structure, strictures and incredible adaptability can provide the basis for functional human beings to develop. PERIOD, FULL STOP!
If you want to fix the broken culture that is the modern black ghetto, you must first fix the family. As long as the black community leaders refuse to acknowledge the real problem in their community, the lack of functional families, nothing will improve. White "racism" is a will-o-the-wisp. The oppressors of the black community are not white, they are black. Drug dealers, gangs, rappers, and absent fathers are the culprits, and the white population has NOTHING to do with problems in the black community. Men need to start being men, not black men, but MEN. Real manly, powerful, strong, courageous, loving male role models who give a damn. Get your head out of your asses.
If you want to be treated with respect, become respectable. Period, full stop. Do not blame "whitey" for your weakness and corruption. Start acknowledging the truth, and the truth will truly set you free.
Tuesday, January 18, 2022
Liz Cheney exposed: using Jan6 committee to attack her detractors, police state taticts worthy of the CCP.
Anyone who uses such a position to advance an agenda, consolidate their power or to attack their competition is both acting in an immoral/unethical manner and abusing power. Such behavior is intolerable in any free nation. Liz Cheney (a true RINO) and her Democrat allies are doing just that in the Jan 6 committee.
Pelosi essentially used the nation's military for imposing her will and intimidating anyone who opposed her grab for power. She also, for the pure spite of undermining Trump, stopped his closure of the borders at the onset of the pandemic. She, probably more than anyone other than the CCP, is responsible for the Covid deaths in the US. Again she did this to advance her own power, sacrificing thousands of lives just to spite her enemy, Donald Trump. For this alone, Pelosi deserves to spend the rest of her days behind bars.
Barack Obama used the IRS to attempt to discredit and undermine his opponents, he also used the FBI and NSA to illegally spy on US citizens without due process or concern for Constitutional law; a Constitution he repeated dismissed as irrelevant and outdated. He broke his oath of office on multiple occasions. There were no consequences for this, an unfortunate commentary on the corruption of a government run by career bureaucrats whose sole motivation is maintaining their power and position. These are un-elected people who actually run the government, considering themselves above everyone else and definitely above the law they enforce on others. Unfortunately, most are liberals.
Liberals are drawn to bureaucracies by the core belief system of the liberal. That belief is that the average person is incapable of making right or moral decisions left to their own devices. They believe a powerful and intrusive central government is necessary to ensure (by force if necessary) "correct" decisions and behavior by the unwashed masses. Without openly admitting it, most liberals think 1984 is a "how -to" book, not a cautionary tale.
Joe Biden, a closet pedophile and demented liberal hack and his ex hooker VP were voted in by a populace totally uninformed by the mainstream media just what they were voting in. In the first week of his presidency, the illegally installed Biden destroyed our energy independence, cost over 12000 high paying jobs, and by trickle down, thousands of other jobs depending on those, and throttled our transportation industry, started buying our gas from our enemies and left our military high and dry. He did tremendous damage to our economy for the sheer joy of screwing his predecessor. Immoral , incompetent and irresponsible behavior at best proceeded from this lifelong political bureaucratic mouthpiece.
One would expect from a nation of well educated and rational people the quick expulsion of such incompetence. Not surprisingly, this will probably not happen. Most people are educated by the public schools and much of their moral and ethical structure is supplied by MSM. These two liberal controlled entities are the reason many of us who actually pay attention are less than confident in the ability of the population to actually think on their own. Our kids are indoctrinated by public "education" and our young adults are disoriented and misled by our college faculties; most young college graduates are taught to hate their country. Most college graduates are not educated at all, in fact few can actually function in the workplace and are "OJT"- on the job trained just to be able to function at a minimal level.
It is not that there is a lot of support for the left. It is just that they are highlighted and supported by the liberal owned and controlled media. The majority of people do not agree with the liberal left, for good reason. Their voices are not heard by any media, political party or public "servant"' Is it bad? Yes, worse than most people can imagine, or want to.
The cure for America lies in the first part of the Constitution, Article 5, setting out the means for a "reset" when the government has become incapable of governing, the Convention of States. This may well be our sole chance to regain our freedom, and by God, I hope we take the opportunity to clean out the trash heap the government has become.
Wednesday, January 12, 2022
Military screening for "extremists" , but only white guys. BLM, Black Panthers, black gangstas are not, apparently, extremists.
Just when you thought liberal hypocrisy and bias have reached a zenith , the US government proves that nothing is too absurd for the liberal leaders in charge of weakening our armed forces.
The US military is concerned that White Supremacists and conservatives supporting Trump might want to serve in the military, totally unacceptable. Black Supremacists, MS13, Antifa and POC belonging to black gangs in the ghettos are more than welcome. Whites are no longer welcome in the new Amerika, komrade. They actually believe in the oath to protect and defend the Constitution that liberals want to revoke and allow the UN to rewrite.
What could possibly go wrong?
Sunday, January 9, 2022
ANtifa emblem wearing man with pipe bomb, but "we don't know his political affiliations"
Silliness and stupidity are not new in the woke leftist world. The left and their lapdogs, the main stream media, are well known for their ability to blandly extol the most insipid and hypocritical spin on reality. This one is pretty bad even for them.
The subject of the article is a man wearing an antifa emblem, carrying a pipe bomb and with an antifa standard checklist in his pocket, but the police can't determine his politics or motivation for carrying a pipe bomb at a protest in support of one of the men who stormed the capitol on Jan 6. Really?
If this guy wore an Aryan Nation symbol, its a sure bet that the cops and MSM would have no problem determining his politics and motivation. I am sick and tired of the left and their terrorist groups being sheltered by the prog libs and the MSM. At least be objective and honest about things. This is an affront to freedom of the press and public right to know. It is also completely biased and dishonest, a common theme with the left.
Wednesday, January 5, 2022
A battery speaks.
Electric Vehicles - Batteries
Sunday, January 2, 2022
A modest proposal
In the Twitterverse, Darwinian evolution seems to be alive and well. New species are thriving, mostly due to their abhorrent nature. One of these, I have named Twittertrogs. (AKA twitter troglodytes). These are rabid liberals whose innate sense of entitlement renders them incapable of discussion with anyone who doesn't agree with them. Having a discussion with many liberals is like trying to play chess with a pigeon. The bird struts about the board knocking over pieces, shitting on the board, then struts off, firmly believing it won the game, also pecking the crap out of anyone trying to curb its destructive behavior.
One need only look at the basic beliefs of the generic liberal to understand this tendency. The basic tenant of the liberal is that people cannot and should not make decisions for themselves. unless specifically approved by the "narrative". This means that they adore a powerful, intrusive and authoritarian government, suppression of free speech and definitely of critical thinking.
The average person cannot make truly moral decisions, according to the liberal mindset. They must be curtailed and contained by force if need be. AOC famously stated that anyone who supported Trump should be incarcerated and "reprogrammed". If that sounds like something from the Chinese Communist Party, it is, and she, like most progressive liberals, agree with the CCP in most things. An elite group of powerful and "enlightened" individuals should make decisions for everyone, enforced by the military and police if necessary. Pelosi had no problem putting the Capitol under martial law for an indefinite period to make sure the Democrats got what they wanted, and by force if needed. Unconstitutional? Yes, but Liberal Democrats really don't give a shit about the Constitution, especially the Bill of Rights.
Unfortunately, their dystopic and myopic view of society and government does not work. San Francisco is a perfect example of liberal created dystopia. Everywhere leftist local governments exist, so does increased violent crime, social injustice, anti-family and anti- white, anti Asian anti Jew rhetoric and social behavior. The Democrats have successfully turned parts of our country into third world shitholes. Their idea of equality is to drive down everyone to a common level of misery and social dysfunction with a small group of wealthy and powerful people living high on the hog on their dime.
The Democratic Party of today is a near perfect reflection of the Nazis in 1932 post Reichstag fire Germany. The SA (Sturm Abteilung) of today is Antifa and BLM, while the DOJ takes the role of the SS (Schusstaffel) and Gestopo. The strategy of the Nazi party was to manufacture a crisis and blame it on a certain group or groups. Todays Jews are Christian, white and members of traditional families. Asians are a target of black activists because they pose a threat to the minority status employed by and enjoyed by black activists.
Stalin said he brought the country to its knees by control of the media, control of travel and especially disarming the public. When only the police have guns, only the police decide what you can and cannot do. Period. This has been true for every tyranny in history, every single one.
The liberals do not belong in control, ever. They can be good as a check against the rampant greed of the business man and big business. That is all. No liberal can say no to a new tax , nor can they stop spending other people's money. They also cannot keep from overreach in their tenure in public office.
Critical Race Theory, "WOKE" and "gender equlity" / "gender fluidity" are all abhorrent in terms of the moral, social and financial disasters they cause. Hypocrisy and a sense of entitlement are both hallmarks of the liberal mindset, as well as being necessary to accept the liberal narrative. Just scroll through a few liberal posts of Twitter is rife with liberals who demonstrate the above characteristics. Take a look for yourselves. 2022 may be a very interesting year, in the sense of the old Chinese curse "may you live in interesting times"
New Year's Resolution: Keep it simple, stupid.
When I read the news, I often have to stop and rewind because I find my mind balking at accepting the possibility that anyone can be so dumb, ignorant, evil, midguided, etc. Then I reread what I just read, taking off my almost-70 glasses and make it in context of the current woke/liberal democrat country. Unfortunately, most of it not only makes sense, but is inevitable in that context.
I have done a fair amount of reading on the liberal left and what they say vs what their core political platforms actually are. The basis of political liberalism is the idea that individuals cannot make moral choices left to their own devices. The irony of the "democratic" party not basically believing in democracy as viable is quite bitter in taste, but considering the progressive democrat as an individual and a group, this is unsurprising. The present Democratic Party seems to think the novel 1984 is a political guidebook, not a cautionary tale.
in 1984, the government has taken the extreme progressive position that it must control everything, for the good of the people, of course. The police enforce correct behavior, thought and speech. If one deviates from that set of parameters, one is captured, tortured, broken and reformed into a harmless, if not coherent, person; or they may just kill you.
AOC publicly stated that she made a list of people who should be placed in one of the old Japanese internment camps from WWII and "rehabilitated" into correct thinking, as well as being punished for supporting President Trump. Of course the MSM never said much about this. It is scary to think that a prominent Democratic Congresswoman would want to flout the Constitution she swore to uphold and protect, but what most people don't hear about is how pervasive the support for her idea was among Democrats, both in and outside government.
What ideas are priority in the progressive mind? Mostly that Whites should be subjugated. Groups like BLM, which the progressives publicly adore, believe there sould be a black supremacist aprtheid state where only non-whites should have poser. This goes hand in hand with the revisionist history movement, Critical Race Theory and removal of anything "too White". Anyone questioning this madness is, of course, racist.
2022 promises to be interesting.
Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.
It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...

A poem that says it all: Emanuele Grandi's moving poem is dedicated to our four-legged friends. "If you are afraid of having given...
I hate to say I told you so, well, actually I love it, but I digress. All my "conspiracy" theories have become reality. He...
It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...