Saturday, January 22, 2022

"White racist policies" are not the cause of Black community problems, irresponsible adults are the cause.

 A little truth and common sense from the Black community leadership would go a long, long way towards correcting the crime, poverty, broken families, cultural degeneration and lack of self respect and especially the lack of responsibility displayed by the black community as a whole. Remember that in the 20s and 30s the black community was a microcosm of culture, music, art and small businesses, unlike the squalor of today. Why, is simple. At some point, black women decided that having to deal with the men they took to bed to father their children were not worth the trouble to make into decent fathers and husbands. Make no mistake about this. Women throughout history have created, cajoled, and nagged men into greatness. It is true that "behind every great man is a greater woman, Mother, Aunt, Sister, Wife, one of or all of these women helped to generate and foster greatness in their men".

When left to their own devices, young men are lazy, disoriented, distracted and destructive. The sad thing is that these young men were, at one time, raised and trained to protect, to build and to create strong families, ant thus, strong communities. The single most important determinant of a boy's success as a man is having a strong father in the home. The mother/wife is the key to that father's success as a father. Being a dad is incredibly difficult, scary and demanding. It is not easy to be a good father without a guide and helpmate. 

In the only hardwired social structure in human history, the tribe, young men were trained as the protectors of the village, trained by the elder men and encouraged and nurtured by the women in their lives. Only the traditional family with its intrinsic structure, strictures and incredible adaptability can provide the basis for functional human beings to develop. PERIOD, FULL STOP! 

If you want to fix the broken culture that is the modern black ghetto, you must first fix the family. As long as the black community leaders refuse to acknowledge the real problem in their community, the lack of functional families, nothing will improve. White "racism" is a will-o-the-wisp. The oppressors of the black community are not white, they are black. Drug dealers, gangs, rappers, and absent fathers are the culprits, and the white population has NOTHING to do with problems in the black community. Men need to start being men, not black men, but MEN. Real manly, powerful, strong, courageous, loving male role models who give a damn. Get your head out of your asses. 

If you want to be treated with respect, become respectable. Period, full stop. Do not blame "whitey" for your weakness and corruption. Start acknowledging the truth, and the truth will truly set you free.

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...