Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Liz Cheney exposed: using Jan6 committee to attack her detractors, police state taticts worthy of the CCP.

When a person is chosen for a select committee, they are supposed to be of impeccable ethical and moral character and behavior. Why? Because they are being charged with both judging the actions of another person, and representing our best interests. 

Anyone who uses such a position to advance an agenda, consolidate their power or to attack their competition is both acting in an immoral/unethical manner and abusing power. Such behavior is intolerable in any free nation. Liz Cheney (a true RINO) and her Democrat allies are doing just that in the Jan 6 committee.

Pelosi essentially used the nation's military for imposing her will and intimidating anyone who opposed her grab for power. She also, for the pure spite of undermining Trump, stopped his closure of the borders at the onset of the pandemic. She, probably more than anyone other than the CCP, is responsible for the Covid deaths in the US. Again she did this to advance her own power, sacrificing thousands of lives just to spite her enemy, Donald Trump. For this alone, Pelosi deserves to spend the rest of her days behind bars. 

Barack Obama used the IRS to attempt to discredit and undermine his opponents, he also used the FBI and NSA to illegally spy on US citizens without due process or concern for Constitutional law; a Constitution he repeated dismissed as irrelevant and outdated. He broke his oath of office on multiple occasions. There were no consequences for this, an unfortunate commentary on the corruption of a government run by career bureaucrats whose sole motivation is maintaining their power and position. These are un-elected people who actually run the government, considering themselves above everyone else and definitely above the law they enforce on others. Unfortunately, most are liberals. 

Liberals are drawn to bureaucracies by the core belief system of the liberal. That belief is that the average person is incapable of making right or moral decisions left to their own devices. They believe a powerful and intrusive central government is necessary to ensure (by force if necessary) "correct" decisions and behavior by the unwashed masses. Without openly admitting it, most liberals think 1984 is a "how -to" book, not a cautionary tale. 

Joe Biden, a closet pedophile and demented liberal hack and his ex hooker VP were voted in by a populace totally uninformed by the mainstream media just what they were voting in. In the first week of his presidency, the illegally installed Biden destroyed our energy independence, cost over 12000 high paying jobs, and by trickle down, thousands of other jobs depending on those, and throttled our transportation industry, started buying our gas from our enemies and left our military high and dry. He did tremendous damage to our economy for the sheer joy of screwing his predecessor. Immoral , incompetent and irresponsible behavior at best proceeded from this lifelong political bureaucratic mouthpiece. 

One would expect from a nation of well educated and rational people the quick expulsion of such incompetence. Not surprisingly, this will probably not happen. Most people are educated by the public schools and much of their moral and ethical structure is supplied by MSM. These two liberal controlled entities are the reason many of us who actually pay attention are less than confident in the ability of the population to actually think on their own. Our kids are indoctrinated by public "education" and our young adults are disoriented and misled by our college faculties; most young college graduates are taught to hate their country. Most college graduates are not educated at all, in fact few can actually function in the workplace and are "OJT"- on the job trained just to be able to function at a minimal level.

It is not that there is a lot of support for the left. It is just that they are highlighted and supported by the liberal owned and controlled media. The majority of people do not agree with the liberal left, for good reason. Their voices are not heard by any media, political party or public "servant"' Is it bad? Yes, worse than most people can imagine, or want to. 

The cure for America lies in the first part of the Constitution, Article 5, setting out the means for a "reset" when the government has become incapable of governing, the Convention of States. This may well be our sole chance to regain our freedom, and by God, I hope we take the opportunity to clean out the trash heap the government has become.

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...