Monday, January 24, 2022

Liberals and Feminists Shot Each Other in the Foot with their Woke Policies.

The left has a long histroy of less-than-sensible and downright ridiculous policies and demands. The problem with the demands of the Left nd wokeness in general is that such demands and policies have unintended consequences. The mindset of the left is not prone to introspection, as the core ideas and beliefs of the left are founded in emotional tangents spawned by misperceptions fo social problems and even more emotional defenses of those tangents. Females in sports have long fumed about the public disinterest with women's sports. Men are stronger, faster, and far more competitive in sports than most women. This is a biological fact not a trigger, for the woke readers. Men are denser, more powerfully built and pound for pound very much stronger than their female counterparts. The ladies have an edge in reaction time and long distance endurance. Not my idea, ladies, God dod this, so take it up woith Him. In any case, Women want more exposure and recognition in sports, meaning getting to compete on a level playing field. At the same time, these socially sensitive women supported equal rights (meaning special protections and rights in actuality) for women who believe they are men and men who (allegedly) believe they are women. My personal belief is that most of these "trans" men just want a free pass into the women's shower room. The multiple incidents of rape and sexual assault of young girls by "trans" men in girl's bathrooms proves my contention. The real problem with this virtue signalling and stupid idea is that, aside from unnecessary exposure to risk of sexual assault, women competing with men in contact sports are not only at a disadvantage, they get hurt, a lot. For a college coed playing sports to get through college on a scholarship, this can not only end their career in sports, it can emnd their scholarship. This ends their career plans. Furthermore, since sports scholarships are competitive, men will usually win them over women when they compete against each other for those scholarships, again ending the young womans scholastic and careeer plans at High School. This is wrong any way you spin it. I am in general a fan of peotic justice for stupid peole who do stupid things. However,the women affected by this wildly foolish leftist social justice farce are not stupid, they do not deserve to be raped, assaulted or injured, and certainly do not deserve to be deprived of a career by some male jerk who either can't compete as a male, or just wants a cheap and sleazy wat to cheat the system and maybe cop a few feels along the way.The left doesn't have much of a grip on the realities of human nature, they just hate normal men and think all perverts are angels. This insane dichotomy is partly why normal men seem so disgusted with leftist affinities with LGBTQ interests. In reality, LGBTQ cares about LGBTQ and nothing else. They are all living and supporting an amoral and abnormal lifestyle and mentality that is anthithetical to everything that has historically advanced mankind and our culture. There is no force that produces mentally healthy and functional men and women more than the strong traditional family, period , end of discuaion. Everything the left and especially LGBTQ stands for is against the traditional family. Do not try to make the already debunked claim by LGBTQ groups the "we don't have an agenda" that might have flown vefore men were forced into girl's bathrooma and men without underwear in womens clothing were reading to kindergarten classes and trans athletes were decimating women's sports. This is poetic justice, but the fallout is mostly affecting young women who didn't have any say in the stupid decisions made by our "educators" and the unelected bureaucrats in government produced this truly messes up situation. Feminists have only themselves to blame for the problems they created in their zeal to tilt at windmills. This is a wake up call to the left. Your ideas and beliefs are irrational and dangerous,including to the very people you claim to care about Stop it! Take a step back and look at the carnage your stupidity has created. There is something very wrong with LGBTQ and Feminist ideas, and you might do us all a favor by rethinking your irresponsible behavior as a group.

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...