Sunday, January 2, 2022

A modest proposal

In the Twitterverse, Darwinian evolution seems to be alive and well. New species are thriving, mostly due to their  abhorrent nature. One of these, I have named Twittertrogs. (AKA twitter troglodytes). These are rabid liberals whose innate sense of entitlement renders them incapable of discussion with anyone who doesn't agree with them. Having a discussion with many liberals is like trying to play chess with a pigeon. The bird struts about the board knocking over pieces, shitting on the board, then struts off, firmly believing it won the game, also pecking the crap out of anyone trying to curb its destructive behavior. 

One need only look at the basic beliefs of the generic liberal to understand this tendency. The basic tenant of the liberal is that people cannot and should not make decisions for themselves. unless specifically approved by the "narrative". This means that they adore a powerful, intrusive and authoritarian government, suppression of free speech and definitely of critical thinking.   

The average person cannot make truly moral decisions, according to the liberal mindset. They must be curtailed and contained by force if need be. AOC famously stated that anyone who supported Trump should be incarcerated and "reprogrammed". If that sounds like something from the Chinese Communist Party, it is, and she, like most progressive liberals, agree with the CCP in most things. An elite group of powerful and "enlightened" individuals should make decisions for everyone, enforced by the military and police if necessary. Pelosi had no problem putting the Capitol under martial law for an indefinite period to make sure the Democrats got what they wanted, and by force if needed. Unconstitutional? Yes, but Liberal Democrats really don't give a shit about the Constitution, especially the Bill of Rights. 

Unfortunately, their dystopic and myopic view of society and government does not work. San Francisco is a perfect example of liberal created dystopia. Everywhere leftist local governments exist, so does increased violent crime, social injustice, anti-family and anti- white, anti Asian anti Jew rhetoric and social behavior. The Democrats have successfully turned parts of our country into third world shitholes. Their idea of equality is to drive down everyone to a common level of misery and social dysfunction with a small group of wealthy and powerful people living high on the hog on their dime.

The Democratic Party of today is a near perfect reflection of the Nazis in 1932 post Reichstag fire Germany. The SA (Sturm Abteilung) of today is Antifa and BLM, while the DOJ takes the role of the SS (Schusstaffel) and Gestopo. The strategy of the Nazi party was to manufacture a crisis and blame it on a certain group or groups. Todays Jews are Christian, white and members of traditional families. Asians are a target of black activists because they pose a threat to the minority status employed by and enjoyed by black activists. 

Stalin said he brought the country to its knees by control of the media, control of travel and especially disarming the public. When only the police have guns, only the police decide what you can and cannot do. Period. This has been true for every tyranny in history, every single one. 

The liberals do not belong in control, ever. They can be good as a check against the rampant greed of the business man and big business. That is all. No liberal can say no to a new tax , nor can they stop spending other people's money. They also cannot keep from overreach in their tenure in public office. 

Critical Race Theory, "WOKE" and "gender equlity" / "gender fluidity" are all abhorrent in terms of the moral, social and financial disasters they cause. Hypocrisy and a sense of entitlement are both hallmarks of the liberal mindset, as well as being necessary to accept the liberal narrative. Just scroll through a few liberal posts of Twitter is rife with liberals who demonstrate the above characteristics. Take a look for yourselves. 2022 may be a very interesting year, in the sense of the old Chinese curse "may you live in interesting times"

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...