Sunday, January 2, 2022

New Year's Resolution: Keep it simple, stupid.


When I read the news, I often have to stop and rewind because I find my mind balking at accepting the possibility that anyone can be so dumb, ignorant, evil, midguided, etc. Then I reread what I just read, taking off my almost-70 glasses and make it in context of the current woke/liberal democrat country. Unfortunately, most of it not only makes sense, but is inevitable in that context. 

I have done a fair amount of reading on the liberal left and what they say vs what their core political platforms actually are. The basis of political liberalism is the idea that individuals cannot make moral choices left to their own devices. The irony of the "democratic" party not basically believing in democracy as viable is quite bitter in taste, but considering the progressive democrat as an individual and a group, this is unsurprising. The present Democratic Party seems to think the novel 1984 is a political guidebook, not a cautionary tale. 

in 1984, the government has taken the extreme progressive position that it must control everything, for the good of the people, of course. The police enforce correct behavior, thought and speech. If one deviates from that set of parameters, one is captured, tortured, broken and reformed into a harmless, if not coherent, person; or they may just kill you. 

AOC publicly stated that she made a list of people who should be placed in one of the old Japanese internment camps from WWII and "rehabilitated" into correct thinking, as well as being punished for supporting President Trump. Of course the MSM never said much about this. It is scary to think that a prominent Democratic Congresswoman would want to flout the Constitution she swore to uphold and protect, but what most people don't hear about is how pervasive the support for her idea was among Democrats, both in and outside government. 

What ideas are priority in the progressive mind? Mostly that Whites should be subjugated. Groups like BLM, which the progressives publicly adore, believe there sould be a black supremacist aprtheid state where only non-whites should have poser. This goes hand in hand with the revisionist history movement, Critical Race Theory and removal of anything "too White". Anyone questioning this madness is, of course, racist. 

2022 promises to be interesting.

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...