Sunday, December 5, 2021

Female asses matter, lives of the vulnerable, not so much.

Chris Cuomo was fired for sexual "misconduct" and covering up his brother's (Governor Cuomo) "sexual misconduct". Wrong reason. Andrew Cuomo is guilty of negligent homicide in the deaths of hundreds of elderly patients who were warehoused in nursing homes full of Covid patients at his order. Trump literally sent a Navy Ship with thousands of quarantine units that Cuomo refused to use to make a political show against Trump. Chris Cuomo covered this up. Andrew Cuomo killed hundreds if not thousands of NY elderly for the sake of political gain and moved his own mother out of a nursing home prior to doing this because he was well aware that his move would terminate the lives of untold thousands of elderly patients. They should both be held accountable for these deaths. 

I am ashamed that our society holds the lives of older people as so unimportant. Cuomo is fired from CNN for touching (allegedly) some woman's backside, but his role in coverup of literal murder by proxy isn't even an issue. Same for Andrew Cuomo. He is brought down by allegations of "sexual misconduct" , not rape, but not even a mention of the loss of lives he caused, all of which could have been saved, if not for his Trump Derangement Syndrome. 

We, as a society have been brainwashed to accept the deaths of babies and old people without concern. A woman's convenience and feelings can brings down a powerful governor because of the "Me Too" mentality, but nobody cares about the rights of the unborn and the elderly. Yes, both Cuomo brothers belong in jail, but not for the reasons being used. It is both sad and disgusting that this is happening with not one mention of the thousands of lives these two criminals have callously betrayed and cut off, and that is a damning charge against our liberal woke society. Their deaths , the deaths of the most vulnerable in our sick society, just don't matter enough to even discuss. Copping  a feel of some woman's ass, however, is  enough to bring down a dynasty in NY. 

I am not condoning sexual harassment by any means, but our lopsided and perverse social perspective is simply horrible. What is wrong with our media and our society? Our priorities could not be more wrong, but most of you enlightened people won't care, because asses matter, people do not. And so it goes. 


Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...