Saturday, April 29, 2023


Dr. Gal Luft is the executive director of the Washington, DC-based Institute for the Analysis of Global Security (IAGS). He specializes in strategy, geopolitics, terrorism, the Middle East, and energy security. He has published numerous studies and articles on security and energy issues in various newspapers and publications such as Foreign Affairs, Commentary, Middle East Quarterly, Middle East Review of International Affairs, LA Times, The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal. He has given numerous media interviews to various news organizations such as CNN, FOX News, NBC, ABC, and NPR and consulted with various think tanks and news organizations worldwide. He is an associate fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy and is the author of The Palestinian Security Forces: Between Police and Army (Washington DC, 1998). Luft is a former lieutenant colonel in the Israel Defense Forces. In his military career, commanded battalions in southern Lebanon, the Golan Heights, and YESH”A (Judea, Samaria and Gaza) and worked with the Palestinian Authority since its inauguration in 1994. Dr. Luft holds degrees in international relations, international economics, Middle East studies and strategic studies. He holds a doctorate in strategic studies from the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hopkins University.  

According to Trending Politics :

"It was announced on Wednesday, April 26, that missing Israeli professor Gal Luft is wanted by the US government for arms trafficking. According to the Jerusalem Post, Luft was arrested at Cyprus' Larnaca International Airport after he was suspected of illegally trafficking in arms to Libya and China. He was supposed to be extradited to the US but disappeared after a Larnaca court released him on bail

Ynet News noted that Gal Luft was particularly critical of the Biden administration, accusing the President and his cohorts of serving their own interests and carrying out undemocratic practices. Intelligence Online noted that he was part of a think tank that included several officials and former US spies.“DOJ is trying to bury me to protect Joe, Jim, and Hunter Biden,” he continued. “Shall I name names?”

Luft’s lawyer said that he had given the FBI information during the Trump administration on the Bidens, which he planned to submit in a letter to Congress. He also learned that someone was selling sealed U.S. law enforcement information to Chinese individuals. The attorney claimed that Ye Jianming, founder and chairman of CEFC-USA, a nonprofit created by the China Energy Fund Committee, told Luft that Hunter Biden had an informant in the FBI. Ye Jianming, founder and chairman of CEFC-USA, reportedly told Luft that Hunter Biden had an informant in the FBI who provided sealed law enforcement information, known as “One-Eye.” Ye and his associates allegedly paid lots of money to provide sealed law enforcement information.

According to Luft, he tried to inform the Department of Justice (DOJ) in 2019 that Chinese state-controlled energy company CEFC had paid $100,000 a month to Hunter Biden and $65,000 to Joe’s brother Jim, in exchange for their FBI connections and use of the Biden name to promote China’s Belt and Road Initiative around the world."

The fact that Chinese operatives have been infecting our country since the Obama Administration and that Congressman Swalwell was dating and sleeping with a Chinese agent lends an unfortunate level of credibility to the charges that "Hunter Biden has an informant in the FBI", and that Hunter shared that information with his Chinese benefactors. 

The equally unfortunate history of whistleblowers disappearing, committing suicide, or dying of "natural causes" surrounding both Hillary Clinton and her boss Barack Obama is a bit too "coincidental" to be ignored. Dr. Luft already handed evidence over to the FBI, that same FBI that tried to illegally unseat Donald Trump with a fake FISA warrant and dossier that they knew was unverified and false. Agent Strzok was certainly not alone in his nefarious activities, so it's realistic to believe that the evidence Luft gave the FBI got buried at the behest of Obama and Biden. "Another one bites the dust" is playing over in my head right now. 

Another perspective to consider is; what if the players were Republicans? How differently this would have played in the press, Congress, and the DOJ. The now silent MSM would be slavering all over the networks and calling for the special counsel, and investigative committee, and have impeachment papers waiting for the signature. If nothing else, the hypocrisy of the left is on display here. It will be interesting to see how this plays out. I have given up on conspiracy theories, not because they are not true, but because the vast majority are absolutely true, with today's headlines coming on the heels of a conspiracy theory, supposedly debunked by those dark and mysterious "fact checkers" who in fact wouldn't know the truth if it literally kicked them in the ass.

And now you know.

Trans is to Feminism as Dylan Mulvaney is to Bud Light. FAIL!

"Forgive them, Lord, for they know not what they do."

It's not enough, somehow, to just say "I told you so". That is appropriate for a minor gaff you warned your friend not to do. No, the adoration of sublime psychosis and the enabling thereof (mass gaslighting comes to mind) that is the liberal reaction to men in skirts is a prime example of "You did not think this through".  You F***ed the shit up, homey!  Word!

You former glowering feminazis who radiated hatred for males (chauvinistic pigs, rapists, patriarchal oppressors und so Weiter) in the last decades are now fawning over men who are raping and assaulting women, just doing it in makeup and a dress. That makes it OK? Your unthinking and misguided love for the LGBTQ movement has allowed pedophiles into quirky little fantasy kiddie brothels and boy-loving men to do their thing without any pushback.

On top of that, public educators have opened the door to queer indoctrination of our little kids, telling kindergarten children how to masturbate (both themselves and each other) KINDERGARTEN kids! This is being taught not just by teachers, but also by men in drag sans underwear in short skirts. The Left seems to have lost its collective mind, and at the same time they try to gaslight us into thinking this is just being "inclusive". This kind of crap can't be made up, nobody 15 years ago who would ever imagine that boys in skirts would be allowed to rape girls in their bathroom, or that males sporting a sports bra would deliver career and scholarship-ending injuries to female athletes, and have the government mandating this continue. 

Who would have thought, while watching the feminazis spreading hatred for their male counterparts a few years past would now be fawning over the ones who wear dresses just to get to rough up a few girls on the field, then get to fondle or even rape them in their own locker rooms? Yes, you did! While the talking heads on CNN/NBC/CBS/MSNBC et al were accusing Trump of hate crimes and worse, they turned a blind eye to the plight of our kids. They were left to the not-so-tender ministrations of the twisted perverts that make up the ranks of the LGBTQ movement, and supported by organizations like NOW and even BLM! "Woke is morally Broke!" as the saying goes. What s worse, you all doubled down on your precious Narrative when the facts came to life. What a bitter taste to those women who thought feminism was to bring them freedom from oppression and sexism, what a joke!

So, to all you self-satisfied liberals who voted for Hillary, Biden and his merry band of gender twisting power mad radicals and for the liberalization of public education, you screwed the pooch, folks, and you haven't seen the extent of the damage you have done. My disgust for you and your amoral globalist gay/gender-bender/ neo-communist America-hating Anti Constitution narrative knows no bounds. You are disgusting, foul, and reprehensible, and these are your more positive traits. May you collectively rot in Hell. Have a truly miserable day, and I hope your daughter was not one of the unfortunate kids suffering because of you and your evil. 

W.H. Johnson, RN, BSn
Retired ICU RN. 


Thursday, April 27, 2023


I read Biden's announcement that he's got the runs again. I was not surprised that the old codger would try to grasp more power, but I am surprised that the DNC is so disoriented and woke that factual data means so little to them. Every Thanksgiving, I try to make a mental list of things I should be grateful for. So, using the same idea, I decided to think of what Biden has done for us.
1. Women are being assaulted by men in skirts mandated by the Democrats to be allowed in women's bathrooms, locker rooms, and anywhere else women used to go for privacy. I am sure young women and their parents are truly grateful for this. As they say, woke is broke. 
2. US female athletes losing scholastic sports scholarships to guys in drag playing on girl's teams. These girls are probably indebted to Biden's Brainless Posse for the increased career-ending injuries incurred by females playing contact sorts against male players. Thanks a pantload Pedo Joe!
3. Biological women take a back seat to biological males indulging their delusions in awards for Woman of the Year, Best Female Athlete, Distinguished Woman of the Year, etc, etc. Both the recipients and the presenters at these once-meaningful events are not women at all. Feminism fell prey to the LGBTQ community and the agenda the Fagopoites swore up and down they didn't have. Thanks to MSM, we (or at least some of us) believed them. Feminists failed badly at this one, especially failing to support the very women they claimed to be representing. Major fail, ladies, and you let your sisters down big time. 
4.Democrat run cities have become all but uninhabitable, even for the street trash that generally flourish in such an environment, predating on the unfortunate denizens who have no where else to go. It's not that these cities lack money. Their "leaders' are moe than comfortable. Democrats can't run anything but a scam, that's just who they are. The monority voters in these rat warrens just don't know any way other than to vote Democrat. The Democrats have not done a damn thing for minorities in 60 years, but minority voters can't seem to do logic chains. Between crime, drugs, fatherless multigeneration welfare families, and the mind deadening amoral nature of hihop/woke culture, there is not a lot of difference between Ghettos and Hell itself. Thank the Democrats for that. 
5. Someone in the planning wing of the DNC realized that if you can convince young people to eat Tide pods, there must be a way to use all that stupidity to the advantage of the Left. Enter LGBTQ especially the "trans" movement. With a little bit of propaganda, gaslighting and the active participation of the MSM and liberal "educators", the neo-gay/trans movement was suddenly a thing. It probably was better tasting at least at first, than Tide Pods. All it took was convincing a critical mass of impressionable and not terribly bright young non-critical thinkers that it was way cool to be a sexual deviant, and with the help of Obama, boys could waltz into girl's bathrooms, and if only one girl was there, you just lift your dress and get some, whether she wants to or not. The best thing is that you can scream homophobia, should anyone try to hold you accountable for your actions. It was like Heaven came to Earth for these little pseudo-fags. The genuine queers got to get some as well, and nobody dared to say anything. Any criticism or questioning of the new status quo brought severe punishment, doxxing, swatting and accusations of hate speech Some surgically mutilated neo-trans kids realized that the pain and permanent disfigurement was neither cool nor reversible. When these failed trans kids complained or told their story, they were marginalized and in some cases brutally attacked both publicly and privately. Thank a Biden voter and the disgusting liberal educator cadres. 
6. Kids broken by the stress of constant propaganda, social pressure and raging hormones discovered the outlet of killing, sometimes themselves, sometimes others. When the Democrats turned schools in to "gun free zones" these tinderkeg kids saw their opening to a very soft and unprotected target, school kids. There is a good reason the mass shootings did not occur in redneck bars, Government offices, Courthouses, etc  people are ARMED in these venues. In a non"gun free" zone, a shooter has about the same chance as the proverbial snowflake in Hell. In a school, it's like a shooting gallery. Nobody else has a gun, the targets can't get away, and there is nobody able to stop them. 
7. The FBI claims they didn't know Chinese operatives were operating in the US in secret Chinese Police stations around the country. This flies in the face of the reports from the Border Patrol that large numbers of Russian, Chinese and even North Korean agents were flooding across the open border with Mexico, The BP warned the government, including the DHS and FBI. They knew, and they did nothing, Why? To do anything about it was to acknowledge that the Democrats have done great damage to the country with their open border policy. Shades of Richard Snowden! We can't have the truth coming out like that. 
8. The worst President since Buchanan is in power, and his administration has consistently shown incompetence from Afghanistan to Ukraine to Taiwan to North Korea to Iran, Biden has failed at every turn to put America first. He has caused our influence in the Mideast to wane to the point of complete irrelavance. 
9. Biden, Obama, Clinton all have something in common; they failed to uphold their Oath of Office. Not one of them has defended the Constitution, and it has done tremendous damage. From the rise of Isis to BLM to Antifa to CCP purchase of millions of acres of prime farmland to closure of manufacturing to loss of energy independence to voter fraud to weaponization of federal agencies and disgracing the FISA court, Biden and the Democrats have failed to do the right thing, indeed deliberately doing the wrong thing almost universally. The fact that the policies and behavior of the Demcrats since 2016 have mirrored that of the Nazi party in post Reichstag Germany is chilling at best. We're near to a national ctastrophe, and nobody is talking about it. Nobody includes those responsible to do so, the Mainstream Media. Owned by financial despots, these once respected and respectable institutions have deteriorated to the point of complete irresponsibility and slavish obedience to their corporate international masters. It is not just disgusting, it's dangerous. 
I hope that enough people are not smoking the dried pigshit that the Left is selling for consumption. If we don't reverse in 2024 and purge liberalism from our government, education and bureaucracy, we're n the downward stretch into 3rd world shithole status. May God forgive us. Ben Franklin said "Madame, you have a Republic, if you can keep it." 

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Three filters to use when spreading gossip.


In Ancient Greece, Socrates had a great reputation of wisdom. One day, someone came to find the great philosopher and said to him:

- Do you know what I just heard about your friend?
- A moment, replied Socrates. Before you tell me, I would like to test you the three sieves.
- The three sieves?
- Yes, continued Socrates. Before telling anything about the others, it's good to take the time to filter what you mean. I call it the test of the three sieves. The first sieve is the TRUTH. Have you checked if what you're going to tell me is true?
- No, I just heard it.
- Very good! So, you don't know if it's true. We continue with the second sieve, that of KINDNESS. What you want to tell me about my friend, is it good?
- Oh, no! On the contrary.
- So, questioned Socrates, you want to tell me bad things about him and you're not even sure they're true? Maybe you can still pass the test of the third sieve, that of UTILITY. Is it useful that I know what you're going to tell me about this friend?
- No, really.
- So, concluded Socrates, what you were going to tell me is neither true, nor good, nor useful. Why, then, did you want to tell me this?
"Gossip is a bad thing. In the beginning it may seem enjoyable and fun, but in the end, it fills our hearts with bitterness and poisons us, too!"
Gossips undresses and shames and leaves innocent people who cannot defend themselves vulnerable. It unclothes human dignity and shames the others unfairly. We kill innocent people with our gossip and bad mouthing… Gossip is the stripping of human dignity by bitter souls…
- Pope Francis

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Gun Control is not about saving kids, or saving anyone. Gun Control is a very dark and dangerous path to go down.


Since 1966, about 25% of mass shooters used semi automatic firearms to carry out murders, according to a 2022 study by the National Institute of Justice. Most shooters, a full 77%, acquired their weapons legally. In cases involving shootings at K-12 school, 80% of individuals who carried out shootings stole weapons from family members.

Reading this makes a lot of the "assault weapon" rhetoric questionable at best. Also, only one side of the argument is being raised. If you raise a hue and cry about misuse of "Assault weapons" why is nothing said about using them to protect property, families, and others? For example, at least 3 of the mass shootings at churches were halted by armed citizens with an AR15. In those cases, possibly dozens of people were saved and are alive today because of the responsible use of an AR15. Why has nothing been said in the discussions about this? 

In the Watts riots, the only businesses that were left unburned were protected by owners armed with AR15s and similar semi-auto rifles. In fact, historically, citizens armed with AR15 and similar weapons have back off Federal marshalls from illegally seizing a farmers cattle, prevented home invasions, stopped rioters in their tracks preventing them from destroying property and possibly lives in these incidents, most of these incidents also involved making criminals back off without actually having to shoot them. None of this is mentioned in the "assault weapon" rhetoric. Factual discussion is not the forte of the people who want to disarm Americans. 

The real motivation for "gun control" is and historically has been people control, not gun control. Even Obama admitted that "people who are armed are difficult to control and restrain. Unarmed people are less of a threat to law enforcement". Obama's damage control  team backpeddaled on this really fast, but you can't unsay  something like that. The First Amendment guarantees freedom of speech, religion and the right to petition the government for redress. When the government wants you to not do that, they have to force you to "behave" much like the Brits tried to do while we were Colonials. The rights enumerated in the First Amendment are literally dependent on the rights enumerated in the Second 

But, but, but.. what about the "children" or whomever was shot in the latest criminal action by a mentally ill person whose right to commit those criminal actions is protected far more than the rights of the victims to be free from harm, which harkens back to the Second Amendment again. Armed citizens are literally the answer to criminals. It is the lack of armed and trained citizens at the sites of these shootings that is the cause of mass deaths, not the "epidemic of assault weapons". Although you wouldn't know it to listen to mainstream media, every time a citizens exercises hie 2nd amendment rights, lives are saved, not lost. 

Apparently liberals really don't care all that much about the loss of young lives. Sure they use them to push an agenda, but not really to save kids from harm. Why are government buildings, Courthouses, politicians and "important" people protected by people with guns? Because armed people who ar trained are the very best way to protect the vulnerable. Unfortunately, the Left doesn't want that kind of protection for kids, mainly because they only care about their agenda, not the kids. If teachers were armed and trained, they could do a lot more than just lodk the door to protect their kids, and the Left/ anti-gun crowd certainly don't want that, no do they?

Instead, they ignore the lessons from the "War on Drugs", which we lost, badly, and like any deranged person, keep doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results. There is one reason why courthouses don't have mass shootings like schools and other "gun free" zones do. The only guns in a gun free zone are the ones carried by the crazy and the criminal. The bad guys will ALWAYS have and get more guns, they aways have, they aways will. After Decades of the war on drugs, law enforcement members admit they cannot keep drugs off the streets, no matter how they try or what they do. It is exactly the same with guns. Gangs and other criminal elements will have guns. More gun laws put restrictions only on those who obey the law, exactly the ones you WANT to be armed and trained. 

These are factual arguments, historically validated and statistically proven. Japan has literally he strictest gun laws on the planet, yet the minister of justice tasked with investigating Om Shinriki, the cult who use sarin nerve gas to kill people in a subway years ago, was gunned down at a Tokyo street cafe. Seven French police were killed when Islamic terrorists attacked Charlie Hebdo, a satirical political newspaper for "insulting" Islam. France disarmed its people, and they died like flies in a country where guns are illegal because the criminals and terrorists will ALWAYS have guns. 

Let that sink in before you blindly drink the Koolaid and support "gun control" pay better attention to what you are really supporting. Think, don't follow blindly what the liberals broadcast. Read about Germany in the 1930 post Reichstag fire. You will see the similarities between the Nazis and today's Left. Those who fail to understand history are doomed to repeat it. 

Tuesday, April 11, 2023


Deliberately misreading, misinterpreting, and/or suppressing factual, objective truth has become so normalized in the mainstream media (MSM) that I wonder if a true journalist like Walter Cronkite, David Brinkly, or others of this caliber would even be hired by the major MSM outlets? Is factual and unbiased reporting even permitted today? 

Certainly on social media like Twitter, Facebook, et al, punish or banish anyone daring to speak the truth. Speaking the truth is now Hate Speech. Facts, by definition, cannot be "hate speech".  I was placed in TwitterJail for a week for stating publicly that there are two genetic sexes. These are immutable and the sole determinant of gender. To deny one's biological identity is, simply put, a mental disorder. This is not hate speech, nor is it homophobic. A phobia is "an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something. "he had a phobia about being underwater"". Stating that biological sex is immutable is not an irrational fear, it is a factual statement of reality. To call that "homophobic" is a deliberate attempt to lie and obviously for political reasons. 

The Left has a new definition of politics: "Politics is the art of lying and getting everyone to go along with the lie".  The  Nazis did exactly the same thing in 1933 after the Reichstag Fire. So did Lenin in Russia. This mentality historically leads to a dictatorship, a requirement to maintain the original lie and deception. 

The Left's ongoing assault on the Constitution, specifically the Bill of Rights is another example of the Big Lie. Even read in the language of Colonial 1777, the meaning and intent of the 1st and 2nd Amendments are crystal clear. The Founding Fathers, fresh from declaring independence from a dictatorial and tyrannical  England, stated that in the new country, while a standing army/police force was necessary, the people must be enabled to stand against that militia/police force with force of arms in case of oppression like that which caused the Colonies to declare independence in the first place. 

Likewise, the First Amendment is the complement to the Second, no government of the new country may lawfully force any state religion, lack of religion, or political viewpoint nor allow any other institution supported or controlled by that government to do so. This extends to the press and media. No government may impose any political views or laws upon the press or other media. The entire concept of "hate speech" is implicitly intended to circumvent this amendment. While libel and slander/fraud is historically considered unlawful for the good of various nations and peoples, the idea of hate speech is to suppress factual statements and valid political opinions simply because they disagree with whatever group is in power. 

Even various tyrants recognize that armed citizens constitute the first line of defense against tyranny and oppression. That is why every dictatorship in history has disarmed its citizens. Every.Single. One. That fact alone gives credence to the necessity for free citizens to be armed, and armed with the same weapons given to the military. The Second Amendment does not mean we are allowed only flintlocks unless the police and military are issued only those same weapons. The Second Amendment is meant to allow the citizen to bear military arms against any oppression or invasion and to "Defend and protect The Constitution of the United States against any enemy, foreign or domestic." 

These are facts, not opinions, not up for interpretation nor are they optional. This is the core law that forms the legal basis for the entire United States of America. Any attempt to dismiss, defer, water down or suppress these core principles is an attack on the United States, nothing less. If you believe only the government and police should be armed, you do not belong in a free country, nor should you remain here, because your responsibility as a citizen includes protecting that set of laws. Furthermore, the Constitution itself makes it unlawful for Congress or the Executive to attempt to change or legislate against the intent of those Amendments. These are facts, no matter how the Left tries to spin things. 

" You have a Republic, madame, if you can keep it!" Benjamin Franklin. 

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Social Control, Free Will, Covid and the new Reich

 Lets define some semantics. Free Will is not the ability to do whatever one wishes to do. In fact, any self-aware animal has "free will" in that respect. True Free Will is dependent on awareness. Awareness means being knowledgable of the environment, existing constraints, physical limitations, and above all, reality.

Why is awareness so critical to free will?  Simply put; anyone not aware of what is around them does not have free will. They are incapable of making choices that can exist. Wishing and willing are not the same. One can will to get up and go out running based on having no restraints on one's body or ability to move about freely. That is will, and it can and "will" happen given the true will and the above conditions. 

One can only wish to be wealthy, to fly, to be a superhero, to be the opposite sex, and to look any differently than one does look. There are caveats to this. Wishing and willing for the future can and do exist symbiotically in some situations. If one has the motivation,  one can truly change how they look, but over a period of time. If I choose to do so, I can lose weight, exercise, and change my diet. I choose alternatives that lead to that reality or I don't. Thus there are things amenable to my will, others that are not. 

In the above-mentioned examples, I included choosing to be the opposite sex. That choice of words was deliberate. Using the idea that being aware of one's environment and reality is critical to having free will, I can indeed choose to look like a member of the opposite sex. Dress, grooming, skin care products, and their use all can contribute to changing my appearance, as in making me appear to look like the opposite sex. That, however, begs the question of 'BEING". I may indeed look a lot like a woman with the right tools and preparation. Female impersonators do all the above and make a good living doing so, I am told.

Someone could even use surgery to increase their appearance as the opposite sex. However, all this changes nothing essential. In my being, I remain the sex I was born with. Period, end of story. Failure to accept this fact is simply mental illness, even if a person chooses to do so, to choose to accept reality has the same outcome as someone forced to refuse to accept reality, one is in both cases mentally compromised. Those who choose to enable mental illness are both cruel and objectively evil. In the same manner as taunting a mentally retarded child, enabling mental illness is really a cruel thing for anyone to do. and to try to claim it is socially just to do so is amoral and arguably mad. 

When a government, party in power or any authority deliberately sets out to deceive a large group of people, thus effectively depriving them of free will,, they are committing the worst kind of atrocity, one of the spirit, not just the mind and body. This is also amoral, disgusting and unethical at best, satanically evil at worst. This is what the Deocratic Party, especially the extreme Left, are doing. It is evil of the blackest and most foul sort, and there is no excuse for it. Only a truly evil person can or would deprive another person of free will, in most cases even if it cost them their lives. To live in a false pretense of reality and imprisoned by the will of others without regard for the wrong of it, is the worst kind of crime. 

Therefore I say to all my liberal friends, you are in the wrong and you must ether stop, or we are on the opposite side in the coming battle between good and evil. This false idea of everyone has their own life is not true, not when that life is being controlled by a puppeteer. In this case the puppeteer has a set of very sharp horns and a long barbed tail. I refuse to bow to that puppeteer or his servants. There is no quarter in the upcoming fight. pick a side, and prepare to die on that hill, it is that stark and no one gets out alive. 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...