Saturday, April 29, 2023

Trans is to Feminism as Dylan Mulvaney is to Bud Light. FAIL!

"Forgive them, Lord, for they know not what they do."

It's not enough, somehow, to just say "I told you so". That is appropriate for a minor gaff you warned your friend not to do. No, the adoration of sublime psychosis and the enabling thereof (mass gaslighting comes to mind) that is the liberal reaction to men in skirts is a prime example of "You did not think this through".  You F***ed the shit up, homey!  Word!

You former glowering feminazis who radiated hatred for males (chauvinistic pigs, rapists, patriarchal oppressors und so Weiter) in the last decades are now fawning over men who are raping and assaulting women, just doing it in makeup and a dress. That makes it OK? Your unthinking and misguided love for the LGBTQ movement has allowed pedophiles into quirky little fantasy kiddie brothels and boy-loving men to do their thing without any pushback.

On top of that, public educators have opened the door to queer indoctrination of our little kids, telling kindergarten children how to masturbate (both themselves and each other) KINDERGARTEN kids! This is being taught not just by teachers, but also by men in drag sans underwear in short skirts. The Left seems to have lost its collective mind, and at the same time they try to gaslight us into thinking this is just being "inclusive". This kind of crap can't be made up, nobody 15 years ago who would ever imagine that boys in skirts would be allowed to rape girls in their bathroom, or that males sporting a sports bra would deliver career and scholarship-ending injuries to female athletes, and have the government mandating this continue. 

Who would have thought, while watching the feminazis spreading hatred for their male counterparts a few years past would now be fawning over the ones who wear dresses just to get to rough up a few girls on the field, then get to fondle or even rape them in their own locker rooms? Yes, you did! While the talking heads on CNN/NBC/CBS/MSNBC et al were accusing Trump of hate crimes and worse, they turned a blind eye to the plight of our kids. They were left to the not-so-tender ministrations of the twisted perverts that make up the ranks of the LGBTQ movement, and supported by organizations like NOW and even BLM! "Woke is morally Broke!" as the saying goes. What s worse, you all doubled down on your precious Narrative when the facts came to life. What a bitter taste to those women who thought feminism was to bring them freedom from oppression and sexism, what a joke!

So, to all you self-satisfied liberals who voted for Hillary, Biden and his merry band of gender twisting power mad radicals and for the liberalization of public education, you screwed the pooch, folks, and you haven't seen the extent of the damage you have done. My disgust for you and your amoral globalist gay/gender-bender/ neo-communist America-hating Anti Constitution narrative knows no bounds. You are disgusting, foul, and reprehensible, and these are your more positive traits. May you collectively rot in Hell. Have a truly miserable day, and I hope your daughter was not one of the unfortunate kids suffering because of you and your evil. 

W.H. Johnson, RN, BSn
Retired ICU RN. 


Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...