1. Women are being assaulted by men in skirts mandated by the Democrats to be allowed in women's bathrooms, locker rooms, and anywhere else women used to go for privacy. I am sure young women and their parents are truly grateful for this. As they say, woke is broke.
2. US female athletes losing scholastic sports scholarships to guys in drag playing on girl's teams. These girls are probably indebted to Biden's Brainless Posse for the increased career-ending injuries incurred by females playing contact sorts against male players. Thanks a pantload Pedo Joe!
3. Biological women take a back seat to biological males indulging their delusions in awards for Woman of the Year, Best Female Athlete, Distinguished Woman of the Year, etc, etc. Both the recipients and the presenters at these once-meaningful events are not women at all. Feminism fell prey to the LGBTQ community and the agenda the Fagopoites swore up and down they didn't have. Thanks to MSM, we (or at least some of us) believed them. Feminists failed badly at this one, especially failing to support the very women they claimed to be representing. Major fail, ladies, and you let your sisters down big time.
4.Democrat run cities have become all but uninhabitable, even for the street trash that generally flourish in such an environment, predating on the unfortunate denizens who have no where else to go. It's not that these cities lack money. Their "leaders' are moe than comfortable. Democrats can't run anything but a scam, that's just who they are. The monority voters in these rat warrens just don't know any way other than to vote Democrat. The Democrats have not done a damn thing for minorities in 60 years, but minority voters can't seem to do logic chains. Between crime, drugs, fatherless multigeneration welfare families, and the mind deadening amoral nature of hihop/woke culture, there is not a lot of difference between Ghettos and Hell itself. Thank the Democrats for that.
5. Someone in the planning wing of the DNC realized that if you can convince young people to eat Tide pods, there must be a way to use all that stupidity to the advantage of the Left. Enter LGBTQ especially the "trans" movement. With a little bit of propaganda, gaslighting and the active participation of the MSM and liberal "educators", the neo-gay/trans movement was suddenly a thing. It probably was better tasting at least at first, than Tide Pods. All it took was convincing a critical mass of impressionable and not terribly bright young non-critical thinkers that it was way cool to be a sexual deviant, and with the help of Obama, boys could waltz into girl's bathrooms, and if only one girl was there, you just lift your dress and get some, whether she wants to or not. The best thing is that you can scream homophobia, should anyone try to hold you accountable for your actions. It was like Heaven came to Earth for these little pseudo-fags. The genuine queers got to get some as well, and nobody dared to say anything. Any criticism or questioning of the new status quo brought severe punishment, doxxing, swatting and accusations of hate speech Some surgically mutilated neo-trans kids realized that the pain and permanent disfigurement was neither cool nor reversible. When these failed trans kids complained or told their story, they were marginalized and in some cases brutally attacked both publicly and privately. Thank a Biden voter and the disgusting liberal educator cadres.
6. Kids broken by the stress of constant propaganda, social pressure and raging hormones discovered the outlet of killing, sometimes themselves, sometimes others. When the Democrats turned schools in to "gun free zones" these tinderkeg kids saw their opening to a very soft and unprotected target, school kids. There is a good reason the mass shootings did not occur in redneck bars, Government offices, Courthouses, etc people are ARMED in these venues. In a non"gun free" zone, a shooter has about the same chance as the proverbial snowflake in Hell. In a school, it's like a shooting gallery. Nobody else has a gun, the targets can't get away, and there is nobody able to stop them.
7. The FBI claims they didn't know Chinese operatives were operating in the US in secret Chinese Police stations around the country. This flies in the face of the reports from the Border Patrol that large numbers of Russian, Chinese and even North Korean agents were flooding across the open border with Mexico, The BP warned the government, including the DHS and FBI. They knew, and they did nothing, Why? To do anything about it was to acknowledge that the Democrats have done great damage to the country with their open border policy. Shades of Richard Snowden! We can't have the truth coming out like that.
8. The worst President since Buchanan is in power, and his administration has consistently shown incompetence from Afghanistan to Ukraine to Taiwan to North Korea to Iran, Biden has failed at every turn to put America first. He has caused our influence in the Mideast to wane to the point of complete irrelavance.
9. Biden, Obama, Clinton all have something in common; they failed to uphold their Oath of Office. Not one of them has defended the Constitution, and it has done tremendous damage. From the rise of Isis to BLM to Antifa to CCP purchase of millions of acres of prime farmland to closure of manufacturing to loss of energy independence to voter fraud to weaponization of federal agencies and disgracing the FISA court, Biden and the Democrats have failed to do the right thing, indeed deliberately doing the wrong thing almost universally. The fact that the policies and behavior of the Demcrats since 2016 have mirrored that of the Nazi party in post Reichstag Germany is chilling at best. We're near to a national ctastrophe, and nobody is talking about it. Nobody includes those responsible to do so, the Mainstream Media. Owned by financial despots, these once respected and respectable institutions have deteriorated to the point of complete irresponsibility and slavish obedience to their corporate international masters. It is not just disgusting, it's dangerous.
I hope that enough people are not smoking the dried pigshit that the Left is selling for consumption. If we don't reverse in 2024 and purge liberalism from our government, education and bureaucracy, we're n the downward stretch into 3rd world shithole status. May God forgive us. Ben Franklin said "Madame, you have a Republic, if you can keep it."