Thursday, September 29, 2022

Democrats once again show their lack of honesty or integrity. They lie, that is what they do.
With the upcoming elections looking dismal for the Democrats, some of them are feeling heat for their more radical leftist positions and support of really bad ideas like de-fund the police, Green radical programs, support of aggressive LGBTQ programs aimed at grooming young children into "gender fluidity" and attacks on the Bill of Rights in the name of "Wokeness" and "Equity". 
Lets look at the last two issues. Woke means that one is sensitive to and in synch with the Black agendas like making Black the only official minority. This means that Latinos, Asians, Jews and other ethnic minorities can't horn in on free stuff that should only go to urban black ghettos. This is beginning to butt up against the burgeoning illegal alien population who came here specifically promised to them by the Obama/Biden administration, and tacitly supported by the Biden/Harris administration. Woke also means that whites have to give up the things they worked for and earned so that the Black minority members can take those things they did not work for nor did they earn them, because they are Black. It also means that everyone other than blacks must obey the law, and be punished to the extreme for an breach of those laws, while the liberal DAs release any black perps back onto the streets, delay their trials, and finally drop charges for lack of evidence, as any witnesses have disappeared thanks to the black criminals being released back onto the streets and being able to deal with said witnesses. Nice system, if you're black. 

Equity is equally skewed to benefit the Blacks. Equality means that everyone ideally has an equal chance to work hard and earn a better life, and one rises in proportion to their merit, talent and work ethic. Equity means that everyone other than blacks have to follow that model, while blacks don't have to work to get into college, good jobs, etc. They get to cut ahead of everyone else because they are black. They are not subject to the meritocracy everyone else works under, generally because they are not expected to work. Again, great system if you are black. 

The LGBTQ agenda has two main forks. One is the destruction of the traditional family. This means that there is no foundation for teaching moral and responsible behavior and hedonism is the order of the day. The other is the brainwashing of children to believe that what they have between their legs is not necessarily what sex they are, and as such, they are much easier prey for adult LGBTQ predators. 

Since any decent person reading the above is probably horrified by the prospect of normalizing any of this perverted and unnatural ideology, and resents the unnecessary favoritism to the Blacks ( including blacks who work their asses off and are held to be "too white" for doing so), it follows that the majority of people (who are, no matter what color, just trying to get through today, and the day after and the day after that) find this situation wrong, evil, perverted and indecent. There is really no way to be rational and support the woke agendae. 

Since these Democrat politicians actively supported these truly evil and dysfunctional ideologies, along with the corrosive Green agenda, they are truly hoping that we, the voters will conveniently forget their past support of the woke agendas and continue to vote them into office. That this is an insult to our intelligence is evident to any rational person, but most progressive Democrats are rationality challenged as well as reality challenged, they will continue to vote for these disgusting flip-flops. I hope you are not one of them.

Our country is in deep trouble, and I hope not too damaged to recover if we do vote a conservative government in this fall. We need to learn from our mistakes and remember the damage these progressives have done to our society. We need to stop liberalism in its tracks and never, ever let these depraved and amoral leftists into any position of power again.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Well, the Left is Doing it Again, Rewriting history. and that poorly. "The Woman King" is a lie, poorly done, and pretty shabby.

'The Woman King' Has the Black Community Boycotting It for Lies Both In and Out of the Movie

 The Woman King makes heroes/ heroines of the most brutal slavers in Africa. Yes, the truth is, Blacks sold Blacks to the slavers. That sad little fact is grit in the eyes of the Left who insist on blaming Whites, and only Whites for slavery. In fact, the only slavery officially still practiced is in Africa by Islamic Blacks. Sorry that reality happened to you. Slavery originated in  and is still a part of life in Africa. Spin though you will, that is the reality. 

"In the end, this is an absolutely perfect example of Hollywood going to extremes to push a lie in the name of social justice. This tribe’s status as noble freedom fighters is about as realistic as their film’s Rotten Tomato score. Moreover, they are willing to glorify African slave traders just because they had female soldiers, making it clear that one of the worst sins in human history is forgivable so long as you have the right skin color and genitals."

Hollywood is really slow in getting the message that Woke is just not interesting or entertaining, in fact it can be and usually is rigid, preachy and staid. When woke was a new thing, it was shiny and interesting, but like cotton candy, sweet, with no real substance, nice for a try once or twice, but a steady diet is pretty repulsive. Political Correctness, by its very own rigidity and intense anger at everything and everybody, is even at its best, off putting. Social outrage burns bright but burns out everyone who lives in its pallid flames. It does nothing positive, and those who cling to it eventually lose contact with the real world. Look at what political correctness has done to Tolkien's world in the near parody of Lord of the Rings, Rings of Power. This pathetic farse turns a prequel to the greatest fantasy epic ever written into a dull, PC/woke yawn fest with none of the rich philosophical background that Tolkien gave his story. Sad when presented with a real gem, you turn it into sewage. That is Hollywood today. 

In reality, most whites are not white supremacists, and white privilege is a false construct used to justify what is simply reverse prejudice and racism. Eventually that glaring fact dawns on even the most PC among us. Most blacks detest violence and racism, and they don't want anything to do with woke, Like most whites, most blacks want to live and let live, and just get through the day, take care of their families and live a decent life. PC/Woke denies this fact, and denies any such normalcy to those who adhere to its tenants. We are, as a society, violence and activism fatigued, and the sooner the blood sucking social parasites who make movies today realize that fact, the sooner someone will start making decent movies again. 

Monday, September 19, 2022

A word about spending other people's money. It's theft, especially when it ignores Constitutional Law

Rand Paul gave a truly enlightening speech about how Congress spends our money. Yours and mine. The Democrats are especially adept at doing this, and they want to do more. If you look at what they spend it on, you probably will get a little queasy.  Disclaimer, date and wording from Heritage Foundation article, so my own personal interpretation is not involved. Just trying to be objective, unlike most of my liberal acquaintances. 

$25 Million for “Anti-discrimination and Bias Training” at HHS

$200 Million for Presidio Trust, aka “Pelosi’s Park” 

Welfare for Journalists: While the bill contains many tax hikes, it also opens loopholes for some politically favored groups. One of these, Section 138517, would give a tax credit toward “compensation for local news journalists.”

$1.25 Billion for Activists, Bureaucrats to Go After Landlords: Congress wants to fund anti-property activists and regulatory enforcers to the tune of $1.25 billion, including erecting legal hurdles for property owners merely trying to defend their rights in court against delinquent tenants.

$4.5 Billion for Federal Housing Plan Takeover: The bill seeks to impose a federal takeover of housing policy, both through the construction of massive amounts of public housing and by strong-arming local governments into changing zoning rules.

$26.5 Billion for Left-Wing Transportation Programs: The package already moves federal transportation policy solidly to the left, including many new programs relating to “social justice” and “climate.” One of the reasons why some moderate Republicans supported the bill was that President Joe Biden promised not to include more transportation funding in the Democrat-only $3.5 trillion social spending bill, since that would mean the bipartisan negotiations were not a true give-and-take. However, Sections 110002 through 110012 of the partisan bill contain a total of $26.5 billion for rail, slush funds, and Green New Deal transportation programs. So Biden is double dipping anyway, and Green means left wing activism, not public interest.

Extra Funding for Bureaucrats, Ad Campaigns: The legislation contains trillions of dollars’ worth of new benefit programs. Normally, the price of a program is understood to include the cost of paying the government employees who administer it, along with any necessary public awareness activity. Yet this bill is littered with at least $13.3 billion in additional funding specifically for federal bureaucrats and billions more for ad campaigns, on top of the trillions in program costs. This highlights the true socialist nature of the bill, which is to get as many people as possible dependent on as many government programs as possible, so that the politicians who support those big-government programs can remain in power.

There are a lot more, but the point is made. Democrats think they have carte blanche to fund public programs they like. That is absolutely not true. The Constitution states that there are specific things Congress is permitted to spend public fund on, and these kind of left wing political agendas are not included. Nor is it the right of Congress to send tax money overseas to buy "allies" or to fund businesses that they personally benefit from. Our not-so-beloved "president" is well known for this kind of behavior while in Congress and now. He has personally benefited from illegal business activities by his son, and the evidence sits on a laptop guarded against public scrutiny by the DOJ. 

I can only hope that we, as a people, take back control of our taxes and elect fiscally responsible individuals to Congress this year. The liberal hacks now inhabiting our capitol have got to go away, hopefully forever. 


Saturday, September 17, 2022

Democrats can't spin the inflation rates. Biden is doing a lot worse than Trump did.


US Inflation Rises

US inflation rose 8.3% year-over-year in August, a 0.1% increase over July after analysts predicted inflation would fall slightly. The growth is primarily driven by price increases in shelter (+0.7%), food (+0.8%), and medical care (+0.8%). The food index, rising 11.4% year-over-year, presents the highest increase since May 1979. Sharp declines in gas prices (-10.6%) and energy (-5%) helped to offset the increases. See data in charts here.


The consumer price index is a proxy for inflation that tracks the price of a basket of goods and services. Higher inflation means consumers can buy fewer goods with each dollar they spend (see 101). The core consumer price index, which removes volatile food and energy prices, rose 0.6% last month or 6.3% year-over-year. Analysts expect the Federal Reserve to continue aggressively raising interest rates, with a meeting scheduled next week.


US stock markets saw the largest one-day losses since June 11, 2020, with the Nasdaq down 5.2% at close, the S&P 500 down 4.3%, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average down 3.9%.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Democrats show true colors. They want us to be short of fuel and in a recession.

Seventy-one House Democrats penned a letter to Pelosi, D-Calif., warning that the bill's inclusion will force them to seriously consider voting against the short-term government funding measure, known as a continuing resolution."In the face of the existential threats like climate change and MAGA extremism, House and Senate leadership has a greater responsibility than ever to avoid risking a government shutdown by jamming divisive policy riders into a must-pass continuing resolution," said House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Raúl Grijalva, an Arizona Democrat who spearheaded the letter. "Permitting reform hurts already-overburdened communities, puts polluters on an even faster track, and divides the caucus."  

We sit on enough Natural Gas and Oil to run this country for 450 years. Plenty of time to develop other fuels, Nuclear, for example. Nuclear power is literally the cleanest and most reliable power source we have, and we have lots of that. We literally have enough nuclear fuel for 1 Billion years. A billion years of clean, renewable fuel. 

Yes renewable, breeder reactors take spent fuel rods and recycle them into reusable fuel, with no need to store them anywhere. Building nuclear reactors with liquid sodium cooling makes them next to invulnerable. Water needs to be pumped. Liquid sodium can efficiently cool a reactor core by convection currents alone, should the pumps fail. 

There is only one reason for the Green Energy movement, and its not anything to do with the environment. Green Energy is a cover for social control. Period, nothing more nothing less. Everything they claim to want to do for the environment and more can be done using nuclear fuel, and it will last 1 billion years. Why would anyone push electric cars when they have a much larger carbon footprint that a diesel truck? Didn't know that? Wonder why the media never mentions that? If you are so naive as to believe the Democrats are altruistic or give a flaming damn for anything but their power, you need to wake up and dump the Koolaid. 

Plainly stated, Green Energy is simply another way of saying Police State. If you think they don't want that, you really need to read the comments ad speeches of BIden, Pelosi, AOC, Bernie and even Hillary. Bernie is openly supportive of "China's way of life" and Communism as preferable to our present Constitutional Republic. That alone should frighten the hell our of everyone. Even the dizziest Liberal can't realistically desire to live under the CCP. The Democrats are a threat to our freedom, plain and simple. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

How bad the Democratic Party has become and how far it has fallen

  Orators of the Democratic Party – from the past

"One man with courage makes a majority." ~Andrew Jackson
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." ~Franklin D. Roosevelt
"Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." ~ John F. Kennedy
There are more recent great orators of the Democrat Party – "It depends what your definition of 'is' is?'' ~William Jefferson Clinton "Those rumors are false. I believe in the sanctity of marriage." ~John Edwards "Gorsuch isn't fit to serve because he uses law and not emotions." ~Kamala Harris "What difference does it make?" (re: Benghazi) ~Hillary Clinton
It's not hard to see why The Party Of Jefferson is no longer that party. It is the party of Losers and liars. Most of what the present generation of Democrats says goes against everything Jefferson, and indeed the great Democrats of the past believed.
How the mighty have fallen.

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...