Saturday, September 10, 2022

Democrats show true colors. They want us to be short of fuel and in a recession.

Seventy-one House Democrats penned a letter to Pelosi, D-Calif., warning that the bill's inclusion will force them to seriously consider voting against the short-term government funding measure, known as a continuing resolution."In the face of the existential threats like climate change and MAGA extremism, House and Senate leadership has a greater responsibility than ever to avoid risking a government shutdown by jamming divisive policy riders into a must-pass continuing resolution," said House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Raúl Grijalva, an Arizona Democrat who spearheaded the letter. "Permitting reform hurts already-overburdened communities, puts polluters on an even faster track, and divides the caucus."  

We sit on enough Natural Gas and Oil to run this country for 450 years. Plenty of time to develop other fuels, Nuclear, for example. Nuclear power is literally the cleanest and most reliable power source we have, and we have lots of that. We literally have enough nuclear fuel for 1 Billion years. A billion years of clean, renewable fuel. 

Yes renewable, breeder reactors take spent fuel rods and recycle them into reusable fuel, with no need to store them anywhere. Building nuclear reactors with liquid sodium cooling makes them next to invulnerable. Water needs to be pumped. Liquid sodium can efficiently cool a reactor core by convection currents alone, should the pumps fail. 

There is only one reason for the Green Energy movement, and its not anything to do with the environment. Green Energy is a cover for social control. Period, nothing more nothing less. Everything they claim to want to do for the environment and more can be done using nuclear fuel, and it will last 1 billion years. Why would anyone push electric cars when they have a much larger carbon footprint that a diesel truck? Didn't know that? Wonder why the media never mentions that? If you are so naive as to believe the Democrats are altruistic or give a flaming damn for anything but their power, you need to wake up and dump the Koolaid. 

Plainly stated, Green Energy is simply another way of saying Police State. If you think they don't want that, you really need to read the comments ad speeches of BIden, Pelosi, AOC, Bernie and even Hillary. Bernie is openly supportive of "China's way of life" and Communism as preferable to our present Constitutional Republic. That alone should frighten the hell our of everyone. Even the dizziest Liberal can't realistically desire to live under the CCP. The Democrats are a threat to our freedom, plain and simple. 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...