Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Well, the Left is Doing it Again, Rewriting history. and that poorly. "The Woman King" is a lie, poorly done, and pretty shabby.

'The Woman King' Has the Black Community Boycotting It for Lies Both In and Out of the Movie

 The Woman King makes heroes/ heroines of the most brutal slavers in Africa. Yes, the truth is, Blacks sold Blacks to the slavers. That sad little fact is grit in the eyes of the Left who insist on blaming Whites, and only Whites for slavery. In fact, the only slavery officially still practiced is in Africa by Islamic Blacks. Sorry that reality happened to you. Slavery originated in  and is still a part of life in Africa. Spin though you will, that is the reality. 

"In the end, this is an absolutely perfect example of Hollywood going to extremes to push a lie in the name of social justice. This tribe’s status as noble freedom fighters is about as realistic as their film’s Rotten Tomato score. Moreover, they are willing to glorify African slave traders just because they had female soldiers, making it clear that one of the worst sins in human history is forgivable so long as you have the right skin color and genitals."

Hollywood is really slow in getting the message that Woke is just not interesting or entertaining, in fact it can be and usually is rigid, preachy and staid. When woke was a new thing, it was shiny and interesting, but like cotton candy, sweet, with no real substance, nice for a try once or twice, but a steady diet is pretty repulsive. Political Correctness, by its very own rigidity and intense anger at everything and everybody, is even at its best, off putting. Social outrage burns bright but burns out everyone who lives in its pallid flames. It does nothing positive, and those who cling to it eventually lose contact with the real world. Look at what political correctness has done to Tolkien's world in the near parody of Lord of the Rings, Rings of Power. This pathetic farse turns a prequel to the greatest fantasy epic ever written into a dull, PC/woke yawn fest with none of the rich philosophical background that Tolkien gave his story. Sad when presented with a real gem, you turn it into sewage. That is Hollywood today. 

In reality, most whites are not white supremacists, and white privilege is a false construct used to justify what is simply reverse prejudice and racism. Eventually that glaring fact dawns on even the most PC among us. Most blacks detest violence and racism, and they don't want anything to do with woke, Like most whites, most blacks want to live and let live, and just get through the day, take care of their families and live a decent life. PC/Woke denies this fact, and denies any such normalcy to those who adhere to its tenants. We are, as a society, violence and activism fatigued, and the sooner the blood sucking social parasites who make movies today realize that fact, the sooner someone will start making decent movies again. 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...