Monday, September 19, 2022

A word about spending other people's money. It's theft, especially when it ignores Constitutional Law

Rand Paul gave a truly enlightening speech about how Congress spends our money. Yours and mine. The Democrats are especially adept at doing this, and they want to do more. If you look at what they spend it on, you probably will get a little queasy.  Disclaimer, date and wording from Heritage Foundation article, so my own personal interpretation is not involved. Just trying to be objective, unlike most of my liberal acquaintances. 

$25 Million for “Anti-discrimination and Bias Training” at HHS

$200 Million for Presidio Trust, aka “Pelosi’s Park” 

Welfare for Journalists: While the bill contains many tax hikes, it also opens loopholes for some politically favored groups. One of these, Section 138517, would give a tax credit toward “compensation for local news journalists.”

$1.25 Billion for Activists, Bureaucrats to Go After Landlords: Congress wants to fund anti-property activists and regulatory enforcers to the tune of $1.25 billion, including erecting legal hurdles for property owners merely trying to defend their rights in court against delinquent tenants.

$4.5 Billion for Federal Housing Plan Takeover: The bill seeks to impose a federal takeover of housing policy, both through the construction of massive amounts of public housing and by strong-arming local governments into changing zoning rules.

$26.5 Billion for Left-Wing Transportation Programs: The package already moves federal transportation policy solidly to the left, including many new programs relating to “social justice” and “climate.” One of the reasons why some moderate Republicans supported the bill was that President Joe Biden promised not to include more transportation funding in the Democrat-only $3.5 trillion social spending bill, since that would mean the bipartisan negotiations were not a true give-and-take. However, Sections 110002 through 110012 of the partisan bill contain a total of $26.5 billion for rail, slush funds, and Green New Deal transportation programs. So Biden is double dipping anyway, and Green means left wing activism, not public interest.

Extra Funding for Bureaucrats, Ad Campaigns: The legislation contains trillions of dollars’ worth of new benefit programs. Normally, the price of a program is understood to include the cost of paying the government employees who administer it, along with any necessary public awareness activity. Yet this bill is littered with at least $13.3 billion in additional funding specifically for federal bureaucrats and billions more for ad campaigns, on top of the trillions in program costs. This highlights the true socialist nature of the bill, which is to get as many people as possible dependent on as many government programs as possible, so that the politicians who support those big-government programs can remain in power.

There are a lot more, but the point is made. Democrats think they have carte blanche to fund public programs they like. That is absolutely not true. The Constitution states that there are specific things Congress is permitted to spend public fund on, and these kind of left wing political agendas are not included. Nor is it the right of Congress to send tax money overseas to buy "allies" or to fund businesses that they personally benefit from. Our not-so-beloved "president" is well known for this kind of behavior while in Congress and now. He has personally benefited from illegal business activities by his son, and the evidence sits on a laptop guarded against public scrutiny by the DOJ. 

I can only hope that we, as a people, take back control of our taxes and elect fiscally responsible individuals to Congress this year. The liberal hacks now inhabiting our capitol have got to go away, hopefully forever. 


Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...