Saturday, February 19, 2022

A simple explanation of the Russia /Ukraine crisis

Bill Johnson 1h · Shared with Public Public in case there are liberals still thinking this "Russia" crisis is not manufactured, let me go slow so you can follow. 1 year ago we had lots of jobs, low unemployment, cheap gas and energy independence. No wars, troops coming home and no one left behind, low crime rate, national pride and good international standing. One year later, that is all gone. Pedo Joe Biden took our country from it's three decade zenith to the lowest point since the Depression. All in less than one year. If that is not enough reason to impeach the guy, his son has ongoing relationships with Chinese agents, Russian and Ukrainian mafia, and overtly criminal dealings with hostile nations, a serious love of illegal drugs and young girls ( apple didn't fall far from the tree there). The Democrats are responsible for the worst epidemic the nation has seen since the Spanish Flu, caused in large part by Pelosi not allowing Trump to close borders and stop China travel. Cuomo and other Demotard governors warehoused elderly in nursing homes, exposing them to Covid and causing nearly 18,000 deaths in NY alone, those people dying alone with family prohibited from seeing them. Our gas went from $1.89/g to $3.79/g in less thasn as year (Pedo Joe shut dfown the Trans Canada pipeline) we now get out gas from our enemies, what could possibly go wrong with that? Pedo Joe needs a diversion, so do the media who have their collective noses far up his ass, instead of objective reporting; time to pull out the Wag The Dog Scenario!Yes, Americans likely will die, but the Demotards will get their police state and no mean tweets in sight. CNN will be vindicated, sort of. Thank a Biden voter today.( after you bitch slap the idiot!)

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...