Sunday, March 6, 2022

An early day musing

I find myself on a woodland path I know not where. Nor do I know how I got there, but here am I. It be no land I recognize nor do I feel I am at home here. Beautiful as it my be, it’s not my home, and I know not why I am here. Yet I feel I must go on, for to go back to something I do not remember is no solution. As I go on, I meet no one and no animal greets me, only silence without peace, quiet without solace. The miles grow beneath my feet, and I grow weary, hungry and sore. Yet nothing changes, the path goes on and I can only follow. In time (who knows how much) I begin to stumble, to limp and to lose my strength, the way is darker now, more forbidding, but I still go on. At last I take my last step, falling into the leaves and pine needles on the path. I am weak and spent, and I know not how to go on. I cannot sleep, for dreams I wish not to see, but yet I cannot but crawl along the way. Dark, it is so dark, my lungs ache and my legs are numb, so I sit, waiting for the Hunter, for He must be near. I feel a tearing deep in my chest, and all begins to darken, I am dying. Still I find myself on a woodland path I know not where, and I still know not why I am here, nor where I go. 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...