Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Trudeau sets aside all free speech and rights in Canada.

In a recent article, Tucker Carlson eloquently expressed what we and our elected representatives should be very worried about. Our Neighbor to the North just cancelled free speech and individual liberties. Just like that. Biden and his State Department, while criticizing Poland and Hungary for closing their borders to illegals, has been silent on or openly supportive of the "emergency state" in Canada. The Left will likely applaud this, since the truckers are not an all black or socialist anarchist group, but represent the group the left fears most, common working class people.These are the people who actually keep the coiuntry going, provide most of the taxes, and most of the enlistments to the military. The left hates us for loving our country, our freedoms and in most cases, our God. It is of no consequence to them if we are placed in concentration camps, in fact AOC thinks all of us who didn't vote for Biden should be in "re training" camps (she said we could use the same camps the Japanese Americans were incrated in during WWII). The Left supported using violence against the truc kers, from slashing tires to military action. Yes, the Left believes we should literally be shot by the military if we protest against lockdown and mandates. Think about that. Hillary Clinton financed the illegal spying on a political rival and then the President of the United States, and her boss used both the NSA and the IRS to intimidate and spy on political opponents, killed off a US Ambassador who coincidentally was about to testify against the Clintons. Pure coincidence I's sure. All this being said, and I truly hope it makes you very uncomfortable, you shod be, the fact remains that Canada's present state of personal rights is literally no different than that of 1940 Germany, Communist China or Russia. More worriesome is that Biden approves, as does the morally challenged flashmob that voted for him. He actually thinks this is what the US should do, especially with a midterm election coming up. A lockdown for whatever reason or excuse would be, according to him, a great idea. Maybe even invoke emergency powers and delay the election so the Democrats continue to hold power. It doesn't matter to the Democrats if that is unconstitutional, they hate the Coonstitution and its restriction of the power Democrats want to weild. What happens in Canada does matter to us. What happens to Canada can and probably will happen to us. The problem with Democrats is that they don't realize the consequences of their actions, or the amorality of their beliefs. It will take a major political catastrophe for these short sighted sheep to see the truth. Our country is at a tipping point, like Rome, we face a fork in the road, and we had better understand the consequences of taking the wrong path.

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...