Monday, October 25, 2021

The Data Problem in Scientific Research

A lot of us who are not academicians make assumptions about science in general that are not at all accurate. Unlike our assumed belief that science is organized and well structured, it is not. In fact, the vast majority of data that has been gathered has not even been reviewed, much less studied. Even that data that has been incorporated into papers is far from being understood. 

"As the neurobiologist Steven Rose observed in 1998 (and nothing much has changed), neuroscience had generated oceans of data but no theory to make sense of them." and this is only one sub-specialty of one of literally dozens of fields of study. We have lots of data/information but neither understand it nor do we have any idea of what to actually do with it. 

The problem (again making assumptions) should be a priority in the sciences. It is intuitive that if we are engaged in an activity supposedly aimed at generating knowledge and more importantly, understanding and objective benefits, that endpoint should be the focus of at least the bulk of scientific activity. It is not. 

The bulk of academic activity produces degrees, and not much more. While everything we view as important today is generally due to scientific breakthroughs, such breakthroughs are not happening nor making much of a dent on the problems we face today, nor are they seriously changing our perceptions or activity in a day to day world. This is not an acceptable situation. 

Money is scarce in today's academic environment, and almost nothing is being spent on generating any new theories or approaches to already gathered data to organize it into usable theories and structures to both analyze and handle the mountain of data that is literally "just sitting there". Most all resources go toward gathering new data, not looking over (again) the data we have lying around. One does not usually get a desired doctorate or graduate degree looking at someone else's hard won data. 

This has to change and the idea of an uber-librarian whose entire career is reviewing , categorizing and organizing this latent data into usable and coherent formats that researchers can actually use seems to have some merit. Our schools need to develop the skills of  intuitive logic and critical analysis of data. We push for people to get new data, but fail then to do anything with it. We need to train people in archival science, data analysis and just plain secretarial filing skill in a scientific/ technical concentrated career path. 

There are literally thousands of potential scientific breakthroughs sitting in record files that no one is actually looking at. Think of it as siting on a goldmine that nobody is mining, because they are looking for new mines. 

And so it goes.....

Friday, October 22, 2021

NBC proves Dr Fauci wrong, again.
 It may not be a watershed, but it does appear that even the most avid, liberal koolaid slurpers are beginning to realize they've been had. We all have, and by the entire liberal establishment. There are no honest liberals, they cannot be honest because they have to keep in line with the party line, precluding any real honesty on their part. Liberal lie, always have, always will, because they HAVE to lie to stay in ranks. 

The very core of liberalism, the idea that the purpose of government is to create equity, not equality, but equity. Merit is anathema to a liberal. If someone gets paid $10 for cleaning a bathroom, and the government takes away $7 of that and gives it to someone who refuses to work and won't clean  bathroom, the liberal believes that is OK/ Everyone should be equal, even when the person benefiting from the hard work of others is fully capable of working, just won't do so.  

The average liberal sees nothing amiss in the fact that our government wants to enforce, by physical coercion if necessary, wearing masks and forced vaccination of citizens, all the while flooding the country with unvaccinated and unmasked unvetted foreigners via an open southern border. I rest my case.

Monday, October 18, 2021

The "New Trurh" No longer even necessary to pretend that media report the truth, only liberal viewpoints matter.

It has finally come to the point where journalists, well indoctrinated in socialist and liberal viewpoints by our socialist leaning universities, no longer feel compelled to report the truth. In fact, facts are passe, and only reports that support socialist/leftist liberal views are necessary. Harsh treatment and indeed lies about Republicans are now officially encouraged by journalists. They actually purport that reporting facts and indeed the truth are dangerous to democracy. Yes, you read that correctly. Factual reporting is a threat to democracy. 

I have often referred to the novel 1984 as a cautionary tale. The left do not seem to think that way. "Doublethink" , the idea that truth is what we, the public, are told by the government is true. We are not to think on our own, but only to believe what the government controlled media tell is to think. Our leftist intelligentsia and journalists are creating what they consider a utopia of controlled and docile puppets who do what they are told, when they are told to do so, and to think what the government considers safe for us to think. 

If the previous paragraph fails to frighten you, I am afraid you are already too well conditioned to think for yourself, and perhaps the authoritarian police state is already in place. perhaps our Constitution and freedom is already in their death throes, and the end of our experiment in democracy and freedom is over. I am old enough that I no longer believe I am going to take to the streets in a violent revolution to keep our freedom in place as I once would have done. The well evident incompetence of our youth and their complacent self serving attitudes do not appear to make them any more capable of doing anything effective against this frightening whore of a society that seems to loom over us.

If this seems to be a gloomy perspective, at least you know how to read: most of our youth don't, and even those who do, cannot critically evaluate what they do read. We have allowed liberalism to take over our educational system and our media, and I am not confident our freedoms and Constitutional rights can survive that negligence on our part. If the left gets its way, we face a tightly controlled and rigid society that will not tolerate any sort of free thought, nor any actions that are not detailed and controlled by the elite. IF this is what you wanted, congratulations, liberal Democrats, you are going to live in the nightmare you created for all of us.

Friday, October 15, 2021

 Sweet blue eyed woman portrait by ohlamour studio for Stocksy UnitedDanish scientists have published a paper that states that ALL blue eyed people are related. About 10,000 years ago , a mutation appeared in one person, who is a common ancestor to all blue eyed people today. This is another example of the fact that we are all sharing the same genetics. The very idea of race is simply not genetically true. We are one species, one people, one biological family. 

Critical Race Theory and the "White/Black/Asian/Indigenous" Supremacy theories are equally wrong. There is no scientific basis for any of these politically motivated positions. The fact that black urban families lack fathers in the home is neither a genetic deficit nor white oppression in origin. Social and community problems are caused by failures by that community, not genetics, not because of any other group. 

Affirmative action, multigenerational welfare and other pet causes of the left are equally misguided as the claims of the Neonazis.  What is significant is the idea held by the left that "minorities" are so "oppressed" that they are not responsible for their actions. Again this is purest BS. All lives matter, everyone, without exception is accountable for their actions. Social function and the survival of the species require that anyone who cannot co exist with others must be eliminated from the population by any means necessary. This includes religious fanatics like Islamists, whose core belief required enslavement or elimination of anyone who is not Muslim. This kind of group is dangerous to the very survival of mankind in the long run. Such anti-social ideation must be eliminated for the good of mankind as a whole. 

Ghetto culture and White Supremacy , Nazism, Islam, all are sickness and cancers that, if left untreated or removed, will kill us all. We are one people, one species and we all live or die together. As a people, we must act collectively against all threats to our survival, and sooner is better.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Freedom needs practice too.

I generally spend a few hours monthly practicing my marksmanship. Not only do I enjoy it, but it keeps me aware of how to use a tool for protecting myself and my family, but also anyone else I might need to help in case the local situation goes south. I may eve have to save some anti guntard's life, mainly because they are too ignorant and stupid to arm themselves and make themselves an asset instead of an obstacle. 
You make choices daily, ideally you have some defined way to make said decisions based on an understanding of the situation and some rational thinking. We are all capable of rational thought and subsequent rational actions. It is a moral imperative to protect our family and loved ones, our friends , and even our pets. These sentient creatures all want to live and be happy as possible in this broken world. It makes sense that we should stand up for them, especially if they can't do it for themselves. 
The problem with our liberal neighbors is that they both lack the wherewithal to defend themselves and the intestinal fortitude to stand up for anyone else, unless they are anonymous and outnumber their adversaries by a lot. Then they just attack mindlessly like the piranha they mimic. I don't like guns really means I don't want to stand up for my freedoms or anyone else's. But let them find themselves in the shit, and they stop being agnostic and liberal and pray to God for someone with a gun to save them. assholes be assholes.


Saturday, October 2, 2021

the Army nobody thinks about

A friend shared this and I found it interesting.
Pretty Amazing!
A blogger added up the deer license sales in just a handful of states and arrived at a striking conclusion:
There were over 600,000 hunters this season in the state of Wisconsin ..
Allow me to restate that number: 600,000!
Over the last several months, Wisconsin 's hunters became the eighth largest army in the world.
(That’s more men under arms than in Iran . More than France and Germany combined. )
These men, deployed to the woods of a single American state, Wisconsin, to hunt with firearms,
That number pales in comparison to the 750,000 who hunted the woods ofPennsylvania and
Michigan 's 700,000 hunters, ALL OF WHOM HAVE RETURNED HOME SAFELY.
Toss in a quarter million hunters in West Virginia and it literally establishes the fact that the
hunters of those four states alone would comprise the largest army in the world.
And then add in the total number of hunters in the other 46 states.
It's millions more.
________ The point? _______________________________________
America will forever be safe from foreign invasion with that kind of home-grown firepower!
Hunting... it's not just a way to fill the freezer.
It's a matter of national security.
That's why all enemies, foreign and domestic, want to see us disarmed.
Food for thought, when next we consider gun control, whether you agree with it or not.
Overall it's true, so if we disregard some assumptions that hunters
don't possess the same skills as soldiers, the question would still remain...
What army of 2 million would want to face 30 million, 40 million, or 50 million armed citizens???
For the sake of our freedom, don't ever allow gun control or confiscation of guns.

This Facebook post points out several interesting points. The number of Hunters that took to the woods in 2020 were, in Wisconsin 600,000 yes, that was 600,000, a respectable number and everyone got home safely. The number in Pennsylvania was higher, over 750,000 , add another 250,000 for West Virginia and just from these three states is a standing militia that dwarfs most of the armies in the world. These are people who know how to track , shoot and move quietly through the woods, and know their home area quite well. Want to know why Japan never invaded the US, it was the hunters and gun owners.  Japan's ranking General told the Emperor that it would be suicide to engage such a force on their home turf. 

Remember this next time you want to know why we keep  our guns, on many levels, it is how we keep our country.

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...