Friday, October 22, 2021

NBC proves Dr Fauci wrong, again.
 It may not be a watershed, but it does appear that even the most avid, liberal koolaid slurpers are beginning to realize they've been had. We all have, and by the entire liberal establishment. There are no honest liberals, they cannot be honest because they have to keep in line with the party line, precluding any real honesty on their part. Liberal lie, always have, always will, because they HAVE to lie to stay in ranks. 

The very core of liberalism, the idea that the purpose of government is to create equity, not equality, but equity. Merit is anathema to a liberal. If someone gets paid $10 for cleaning a bathroom, and the government takes away $7 of that and gives it to someone who refuses to work and won't clean  bathroom, the liberal believes that is OK/ Everyone should be equal, even when the person benefiting from the hard work of others is fully capable of working, just won't do so.  

The average liberal sees nothing amiss in the fact that our government wants to enforce, by physical coercion if necessary, wearing masks and forced vaccination of citizens, all the while flooding the country with unvaccinated and unmasked unvetted foreigners via an open southern border. I rest my case.

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...