Monday, October 18, 2021

The "New Trurh" No longer even necessary to pretend that media report the truth, only liberal viewpoints matter.

It has finally come to the point where journalists, well indoctrinated in socialist and liberal viewpoints by our socialist leaning universities, no longer feel compelled to report the truth. In fact, facts are passe, and only reports that support socialist/leftist liberal views are necessary. Harsh treatment and indeed lies about Republicans are now officially encouraged by journalists. They actually purport that reporting facts and indeed the truth are dangerous to democracy. Yes, you read that correctly. Factual reporting is a threat to democracy. 

I have often referred to the novel 1984 as a cautionary tale. The left do not seem to think that way. "Doublethink" , the idea that truth is what we, the public, are told by the government is true. We are not to think on our own, but only to believe what the government controlled media tell is to think. Our leftist intelligentsia and journalists are creating what they consider a utopia of controlled and docile puppets who do what they are told, when they are told to do so, and to think what the government considers safe for us to think. 

If the previous paragraph fails to frighten you, I am afraid you are already too well conditioned to think for yourself, and perhaps the authoritarian police state is already in place. perhaps our Constitution and freedom is already in their death throes, and the end of our experiment in democracy and freedom is over. I am old enough that I no longer believe I am going to take to the streets in a violent revolution to keep our freedom in place as I once would have done. The well evident incompetence of our youth and their complacent self serving attitudes do not appear to make them any more capable of doing anything effective against this frightening whore of a society that seems to loom over us.

If this seems to be a gloomy perspective, at least you know how to read: most of our youth don't, and even those who do, cannot critically evaluate what they do read. We have allowed liberalism to take over our educational system and our media, and I am not confident our freedoms and Constitutional rights can survive that negligence on our part. If the left gets its way, we face a tightly controlled and rigid society that will not tolerate any sort of free thought, nor any actions that are not detailed and controlled by the elite. IF this is what you wanted, congratulations, liberal Democrats, you are going to live in the nightmare you created for all of us.

The Liberal Democrat Government of New York Demonstrates What is Wrong with Liberal Governments.

  Clip52.7K2,837 I have often said that the issue I have with Democrats, especially far left Democrats, is their love of power and control. ...