Friday, October 15, 2021

 Sweet blue eyed woman portrait by ohlamour studio for Stocksy UnitedDanish scientists have published a paper that states that ALL blue eyed people are related. About 10,000 years ago , a mutation appeared in one person, who is a common ancestor to all blue eyed people today. This is another example of the fact that we are all sharing the same genetics. The very idea of race is simply not genetically true. We are one species, one people, one biological family. 

Critical Race Theory and the "White/Black/Asian/Indigenous" Supremacy theories are equally wrong. There is no scientific basis for any of these politically motivated positions. The fact that black urban families lack fathers in the home is neither a genetic deficit nor white oppression in origin. Social and community problems are caused by failures by that community, not genetics, not because of any other group. 

Affirmative action, multigenerational welfare and other pet causes of the left are equally misguided as the claims of the Neonazis.  What is significant is the idea held by the left that "minorities" are so "oppressed" that they are not responsible for their actions. Again this is purest BS. All lives matter, everyone, without exception is accountable for their actions. Social function and the survival of the species require that anyone who cannot co exist with others must be eliminated from the population by any means necessary. This includes religious fanatics like Islamists, whose core belief required enslavement or elimination of anyone who is not Muslim. This kind of group is dangerous to the very survival of mankind in the long run. Such anti-social ideation must be eliminated for the good of mankind as a whole. 

Ghetto culture and White Supremacy , Nazism, Islam, all are sickness and cancers that, if left untreated or removed, will kill us all. We are one people, one species and we all live or die together. As a people, we must act collectively against all threats to our survival, and sooner is better.

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...