Sunday, October 3, 2021

Freedom needs practice too.

I generally spend a few hours monthly practicing my marksmanship. Not only do I enjoy it, but it keeps me aware of how to use a tool for protecting myself and my family, but also anyone else I might need to help in case the local situation goes south. I may eve have to save some anti guntard's life, mainly because they are too ignorant and stupid to arm themselves and make themselves an asset instead of an obstacle. 
You make choices daily, ideally you have some defined way to make said decisions based on an understanding of the situation and some rational thinking. We are all capable of rational thought and subsequent rational actions. It is a moral imperative to protect our family and loved ones, our friends , and even our pets. These sentient creatures all want to live and be happy as possible in this broken world. It makes sense that we should stand up for them, especially if they can't do it for themselves. 
The problem with our liberal neighbors is that they both lack the wherewithal to defend themselves and the intestinal fortitude to stand up for anyone else, unless they are anonymous and outnumber their adversaries by a lot. Then they just attack mindlessly like the piranha they mimic. I don't like guns really means I don't want to stand up for my freedoms or anyone else's. But let them find themselves in the shit, and they stop being agnostic and liberal and pray to God for someone with a gun to save them. assholes be assholes.


Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...