Saturday, September 11, 2021

"President" Biden had to find something to deflect attention from his massive failures at the southern border and Afghanistan. So he is wagging the dog by announcing the supposed impending release of files from the 9/11 investigation that the DHS has stonewalled for 20 years in releasing, even the declassified documents. The reason why is an interesting peek into the mind of the career bureaucrat. 
These 'crats were mostly hired during the Bush admin. Like the Bush family, they are heavily invested in oil and financial ventures of the Saudi government and royal family. The newly formed DHS was therefore also heavily biased in favor of the Saudis, thus , no sanctions on the Saudi government despite overwhelming evidence Bin Laden was actively if unofficially supported by the Saudis. This prevented unwanted scrutiny of various and sundry political and financial dealings that could have resulted in criminal charges and other pesky problems best prevented.  Now 20 years later, this is no longer a threat, since everyone involved is dead, retired or about to retire with full benefits and pensions. Biden is a good little apparatchik and plays the game with total dedication.
This is why it came as no surprise that he callously abandoned Afghan allies and American citizens. This is standard behavior for career bureaucrats. He couldn't care less about you and me, except just before election. Knowing this is an important part of survival. Don't expect anything from the government, especially a liberal democrat government unless it somehow benefits the career bureaucrats. You and I don't matter.


The Liberal Democrat Government of New York Demonstrates What is Wrong with Liberal Governments.

  Clip52.7K2,837 I have often said that the issue I have with Democrats, especially far left Democrats, is their love of power and control. ...