Monday, August 30, 2021

“Every license means interaction with officials. Every interaction with the official can be an open door for a corrupt request,” explains Fady Asly, chairman of Georgia’s International Chamber of Commerce.


Every interaction with an official of the government is an opportunity for corruption. This is especially true with career bureaucrats. The goal of any liberal democrat is to sequester power. The goal of any bureaucrat is to benefit from that power and maintain their position. Bureaucrats. like politicians are fundamentally flawed and by nature impure in their intentions. -
    This is a comment made by one of our founding fathers, and it rings true today, as it did over 200 years ago. There are clear and concise laws found  in the Constitution about how the populace should deal with the government. Bottom line, the government was intended to have minimal interaction with us. The sequestering of major power in the State government was a guiding principal in our country until the empire building of Lincoln and the greed for money and power by the Democrats during post war Reconstruction. 
    The Tenth Amendment lays out the limits of Federal authority and jurisdiction, a law which has been largely disregarded since the 1930s and especially in the last 20 years. The idea that a Constitutionally limited federal government is requiring citizens to register firearms, the use and ownership of which is laid out
in the Second Amendment, is anathema to the intent of the Tenth and Second Amendments of the Constitution. 
    The Second Amendment was written by men who faced charges of treason against the Crown and certain death if they lost the Revolutionary War. They knew that a standing army and militia (police entities of that day) were necessary for an orderly and safe society, but that these very entities were the source of oppression in almost every nation in the world at one time or another. They answered that dilemma by proposing that every citizen should be entitled to keep and bear the same arms that were carried by the army and police. That no law, ever, was to be proposed or enacted that infringed upon that right. 
    The implication being that the citizen was the first line of defense against oppression by his government, and that between the mechanism of the Convention of States (article 5) and the right to keep and bear arms (Second Amendment), the very same arms that the military carried were overriding mechanisms to protect against our government becoming a tyranny. The writings of Thomas Jefferson offer some of the best legal and moral rationale for these mechanisms, but almost all of the Founders expressed the same or similar feelings.
    Given the above, I propose that our present government is dysfunctional and corrupt beyond redemption. I strongly believe that a Convention of States is the only answer to the morass our government has become. Furthermore, I feel that the liberal indoctrination of our children and their stranglehold on our educational system is both a clear and present danger to our country and an unlawful seditious attack on the traditional family and the Constitution itself. 
    I suggest that corrupt and crime ridden urban centers like Detroit, Chicago, LA, San Francisco, Portland Oregon and others be put under receivership under a Federal Judge, Notional Guard troops take over police functions and the local government of these cities be placed under arrest and investigated for corruption and negligence. These cities should be kept under martial law for two years, retrain and vet the police force and reestablish a Constitutionally based set of laws, reviewed and approved by the Federal Judge and the city released on completion of a free and fair election. All voters required legal ID, all illegals deported immediately, except those convicted of felonies, those to serve their sentence before deportation. Any of these people caught returning subject to a 20 year prison sentence. All gang members placed in custody and any foreign born or illegal status immediately deported, and any guilty of crimes deported after serving their sentence. Same restriction as above. 
    Every member of Congress who committed perjury to the country (Greene, Swalwell, Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, Schiff, Waters et al) placed in prison for not less than 10 years without parole. Obama tried in federal court for malfeasance and illicit abuse of power in the use of the IRS to suppress opponents and the illegal use of false FISA warrants to spy on Americans. Agent Strzok, his girlfriend and any federal officer who committed felonious acts of abuse of office also imprisoned for no less than 15 years. Loretta Lynch, Hillary and Bill Clinton and Eric Holder imprisoned for sedition and conspiracy to commit acts of sedition and abuse of federal powers. A good start and should lead to a massive purge of bureaucrats. 
    Finally, Term Limits!!! Also Range/Castle Law and Stand Your Ground as national law, period. strict protection of the homeowner against invasion by police without proper warrant or any home invader.
    All this is doable and it would make our country strong, functional and far better than it has been in the last 150 years.

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...