Friday, August 27, 2021

Our Government forgot it works for Us.

No matter how you cut it, the present situation in Afghanistan points out that President Biden doesn't grasp the concept that public servant means "a servant of the public" not that the public is his servant, an attitude that is prevalent among liberal office holders. 
The primary duty of the government is protection of the citizenry, upholding the order of law duly legislated according to Constitutional guidelines and working for the interests of the country and its citizens. Instead, the Democrats work to advance their agenda, consolidate power, accumulate money and influence and to control and manipulate the public. This is not unique to our country, the reason the Taliban are coming back into power is because Afghanis for the most part, don't want to have to think, don't want to make decisions, and especially don't want to take care of themselves. For all its brutality,. Taliban run Afghanistan was more peaceful than under a democratic regime. 
The tliban officils told everyone what to think, how to dress, what to eat, when to sleep and controlled about every aspect of life for them. While women really got the short end of the stick/whip/cablewhip/corded whip/bludgeon, men who remained subservient pretty much had it made. Taliban rules made it difficult for all, but if a man behaved himself he had a much life than women could hope for. I never understood feminists could support Islam, but I find liberalism literally uses a form of "doublethink" like that discussed in the cautionary tale "1984". I have thought in the past that a lot of liberals seem to think the dystopia found in that story is a good way to live. If that is not scary, I don't know what is.
 And so it goes. Thank a Biden voter.

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...