Saturday, September 11, 2021

What the Hell?????

NYC PRIDE 2017 ENDS WITH A MARCH OF ACCEPTANCE, RESITSANCE + PRIDE | THE  UNTITLED MAGAZINEYeah, this is what it's come to. This is what the liberal left wants to make the "new normal" with traditional, functional and normal people marginalized by the minority consisting of whatever new pronoun this thing inPECTsists on being called this week. male

You are correct if you think this is a human biological male after being subjected to the liberal left's idea of utopian education in the public "education" system. One can only shudder at the thought of this being having any part in the safety and upbringing of modern vulnerable children, much less functioning as the head of household or being entrusted with military or corporate confidential information.

While the LGBTQ etc etc community insisted while the first foreign born and unnatural citizen black African mutt was voted into office just because he was black, nothing special and married to a "wife" with bigger balls than his, and whose sole qualification for First Lady was not being one. Evidently the comedic aspect of this ill advised venture into the unbridled disrespect for the office, country and population of this country overwhelmed the communal common sense of a significant part of the voting public. During this debacle I stated to my  rabidly liberal friends that the LGBTQ movement and its agendae would harm a lot of people. For this outrageous but true observation, I was shunned, unfriended, regaled and generally disrespected, finally resulting in the loss of most of my former "friends" because the liberal narrative was more important than any friendship and especially than the truth. 

Unfortunately for them, I was not only right, but my assessment was actually conservative and fell short of the true suckness that has infected our country. License afforded to the "oppressed" black supremacist apartheid BLM and their ilk allowed unbridled violence and public disorder against their own country. The same country they have parasitized for decades. Young girls haave been traumatized by having grown men swinging their collective penis in their faces in what were supposed to be safe bathrooms. All this and girls losing athletic scholarships worked for for years, so a boy, pretending to be a girl could attend the hallowed halls of liberal indoctrination. Way to go liberals, you even shat upon your own supporters!

So no matter how  you libs try to spin it, your way not only doesn't work. it failed spectacularly. You will, of course fall prey to cognitive dissonance and try to blame your lame

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...