Saturday, September 11, 2021

 I recently read an article postulating that the Democrat machine will never let Biden die or be removed. Why? Simply because if Harris has to step up to the Oval Office, she must also step down from her position as the leader of the Senate and tie breaker. Until January 2023, the  Democrats are desperate to keep her there. Should she have to resign her post, every socialist program and wish list by the Left is doomed. The Senate becomes McConnell's playtoy. 

No court packing, no killing the filibuster, no free shit for illegals, no under the table payouts to big corporations for support and votes, nothing, nada if the demented pedophile leaves on his feet or feet first/ This is the biggest nightmare the left can imagine, unless the Orange Man actually did run in 2024. 

So if he does die  his body will lie in vacation mode or in hiding due to a terror threat until the day before the new government steps in, then there will be a terrible plane crash or explosion, or fire, or he will lose aa fight with Hilary and die of natural causes all of a sudden ( that has never happened, right?). Until I read this article, I really thought the plan was to get Harris into the Oval Office without a pesky election to deal with. The Democrats lack a woman who is actually feminine , not a raging psycho and not a recently employed hooker who commands any real national attention. So, they know they can't elect a progressive liberal woman, especially one of color, so I thought they would put a loser up for president, which they did.

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...