Saturday, September 25, 2021

There is no justification for treason, especially in a military leader.

I realize that "Orange Man Bad" ha been used for all manner of sedition, unconstitutional deprivation of rights and even social violence, however, just as it didn't justify any of those egregious behaviors, it especially does not justify a top military leader surreptitiously undermining his Commander in Chief to the leader of a hostile foreign power. OMB has been used to justify Schiff lying to the public, Pelosi ignoring Constitutional rules, Maxine Watters calling for public violence against Republicans and their families. These are all not justified and indeed some are actually felonies, but to justify treason because "he tweeted mean things" cas theannot possibly be alityconsidered mitigation for treason. No way, no how , not even, and that is that. 
The idea that Liberals somehow are enlightened enough to be above the law is not just stupid, it is dangerous. Most liberals are not "middle of the road" on anything, and they actually believe that in their case, the end justifies the means, as in "by any means necessary". 
I'm not a Republican, I am a Constitutional Libertarian and I don't like Trump, but I hate treason, disrespect for rights and especially radical liberal socialism. As a libertarian, I see any kind of inequality as wrong. That means every persom has the right to progress  by their own merit and effort as far as their innate talent and dedication take them, no quotas, no affirmative action or any other  kind of predjudicial favoritism for anyone.
Most people are not really stupid, only the ones who are visible in the news and in activism. By definition, any activist is not a "normal" person. They are also by definition, obsessive compulsive at best, sociopathic and psychotic at worst. All liberals are narcississtic and totally lack meaningful self restraint. They cannot help themselves when it comes to overreaching, which is why we Constitutionals are hopeful for 2022/2024. Sanity may actually return to our government in these elections, if the incumbent democrats can be purged from our government and returned to screaming on the streets about whatever the current cause for hysterical outrage may be this week. 
I'm not a fan of Trump, I/m not even a Republican, as I said before, I am a Constitutional Libertarian. I believe the 1st, 2nd and 10th amendments are literally the most important pieces of legislation passed in the history of mankind, and that is not an exaggeration. The right to unencumbered free speech, right to carry firearms and use them if needed to protect ourselves families and others, and STRICT limitations on Federal power form the tripartite foundation of all freedoms in the Western World. 
General Milie is a traitor, and he is not alone, in fact the current resident of the White House is both a traitor and a pervert, with a street hooker for a vice president and a psychotic harpie leading the House of Representatives, the actions of Mile may not seem all that out of line, which points up the sick and pathologic state of our government. His actions are worthy

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...