Monday, September 27, 2021

Facing Failures on all Sides, Biden turns to Distraction with Covid Mandate.

When Biden took office, we were energy independent, the unemployment rate, especially among minorities, was the lowest in decades, gas prices  were down, the market was up, and the leaders of China, Russia and even North Korea grudgingly respected us on the international stage after 8 years of laughing at us during the Obama administration. By every objective measure, our country was doing better than it has has in 20 years or more. 

Despite these facts, and thanks to the liberal fringe on the Democratic Left and their pet mouthpieces in the media, lots of otherwise rational people thought Trump was "Bad". Most had to actually make up reasons for disliking him and ignoring the facts about his administration, a condition called Trump Derangement Syndrome. Liberals, still in denial that their darling, if murderous, Hillary was soundly rejected by the middle of the country and the media, under the direction of the billionaire masters who own them, began an assault on the truth that our country has never seen before in our history. The DNC literally supported sedition and engaged in illegal activities to undermine a sitting president. Had this been done by conservatives against Obama, the backlash would have been devastating. 

As it was, the Media and the leading Democrats openly lied to the public, the DNC and DOJ committed felonies by lying to the FISA court, innocent public servants were destroyed for supporting their president, false accusations against Trump of collusion and illegal financial transactions were made (and supported by a Media that was fully aware the charges were false) despite the fact that Biden himself had literally done everything that Trump was falsely accused of, but faced no consequences for it. If this were a story, no one would believe it, it would be too impossible and fantastical. On top of this, agents of the FBI plotted actively to prevent Trump from becoming or remaining President. The head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff betrayed his Commander in Chief to conspire with our enemies, Russia and the CCP, to assure them that the military would not obey Trump, but would follow the orders of the Joint Chiefs.

The amazing thing about all this is that these should have been huge stories that the media would devour like a school of piranha. Instead, some of the stories that would do an international spy novel proud were and are being totally ignored and suppressed. House and Senate Democrat leaders openly and knowingly lied to us and when caught, just didn't bat an eye, ala Hillary's "what does it matter now?" defense when caught lying about Benghazi, another example of Democrats not being held accountable for their actions, even when people die because of them. This as opposed to Trump, impeached for basically being mean on Twitter. Wow. You cannot make this shit up, you just can't! 

Biden's extrordinary failures as a person and a President have been dampened as much as possible by a protective media, but eventually even they have to face reality, even if pulled kicking and screaming into the present. He has declared a "mandate" that is not only unconstitutional, but is openly being used to deflect attention away from Aghanistan and the awful border situation that his liberal cohorts have created. Even the pandemic, which he is using to deflect unwanted negative attention, was caused in large part by the Democrats. Pelosi couldn't stand the idea of Trump closing the border to infected immigrants and restricting travel to and from China, the epicenter of the Wuhan virus. She literal blocked every attempt to prevent the virus from entering the country. 

Had this been done by Republicans, the metaphorical school of media piranhas would have feasted mightily. As it was, since Democrats cannot be wrong, just ask them, the media just pretended it didn't happen. Wow, again. This is what has brought us to the place we are. Gas is well over $3.40 up from below $2 a gallon when Trump was in office, Biden literally destroyed 12,000 good paying jobs on his first day in office and took us from being the primary natural gas exporter to being again dependent on our enemies for our energy needs. Unemployment is back up, the international situation is a patchwork of crises being mismanaged by the current administration and both China and Russia are laughing in our faces. 

We are only a short step away from a police state, the liberal ideal. They think "1984" is a plan, not a cautionary tale. IF you think this sounds dismal and full of doom, you just wait for next week. It will get worse before it gets better, if it ever does. 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...