Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Traditional Family has not just lost it's Heart , more importantly, the Traditional Family has lost its Hearth.

 It is obvious that the traditional family is under attack from LGBTQ, the DNC, lliberal Media, liberal educators, Feminists, the DOJ and anti American groups like BLM and Antifa (even though half of Antifa live in their parent's basement). The Left doesn't like the traditional family because it contains a strong father figure who works and cares for his family, guides young men to be protectors, not oppressors, and young women to learn to be strong and nurturing, and to be truly feminine. 

Feminists in paticular insust that to be strong, a woman must be as "Butch" as possible. They even support mentally ill men who dress as women and abuse them in locker rooms and on the field, This is a greater priority than protecting biological women. Being trans allows a man to beat up women, fondle and even rape them without recourse. Yeah, that is feminism, neuveau woke , in a nutshell. 

BLM chastizes men who support their families and try to raise their sons to be good and decent men as "too white". Antifa believes that since single parent families roduce more mentally ill kids, they allow a bigger harvest of violent and victim mentalities to be easily indoctrinated into the woke hyper-violent world of disenchanted street fodder for riots and general mayhem.

These forces, along with our government, whose alliance with leftist globalist anti-western culture norms is a long standing problem, does little tohelp maintain what is the single most positive and productive institution in the history of mankind. Put simply. the traditional family is the single most positive and successful model for raising kids, increasing the educational level of the population, and decreasing crime, drug use and violence among young men. Every argument againsst the family is purely political in origin because the traditional family thrives in a democratic republic and vice versa. A free country and traditional family values go together, plain and simple. This is a basic truth that the Left, in all its guises, wants to suppress and even try to make it illegal to say. 

Feminism tries  to denigrate the maternal model of a mother at home with her kids and Dad out working and providing for them. The government and corporate culture has done it's level best to undermine that model by artificially inflating the cost of living, suppressed wages. and discouraging strong family models in movies, books, shows and other media output. Every Disney movie or story has gay characters as the heroes, single women denigrating males and the bad guy is almost always a white male. Only males in today's "entertainment" do evil, gays , non-whites etc are the ones to foil the evil NWP (normal white person), AKA Karen (female white) and Dick (male white). They. no longer are even subtle about it. Even shows like "the 100" on Netflix has more (by far) gay relationships, especially amng the main charactres than they do straight ones. This is a show aimed at young adults. Think about that. 

Even the Catholic Church, once the Bastian of Family values, has turned her back on the faithful and endorsed the liberal world view. The media equates support of the family (mother,father, children) as being somehow extremist. right wing. It's sad, foul and cetainly dangerous. With the downfall of the family comes the downfall of our western culture and definitely the Catholic Church. Pope Franccis was elected by a cabal of gay clerics from the 60s, many of whom were center stage in the sex abuse scandals involving high ranked clerics. Those Bishops and Cardinals with conservative, faithful Catholic views have been picked off one by one by this "pope". He is a rerun of the Borgias. Those who do not understand history are indeed dooomed to repeat it. 

Aong the mainstream Protestant denominations, many examples of satanic rituals have not only been permitted in the churches, but encouraged. There is a video of a gay Satanic "priest" giving a sermon as the Protestant minister looks on unconcerned with the sacrilege he is allowing. If you think about it, who. would Satan target most? "Strike the Shepherd and the sheep shall be scattered". One of Satan's greatest victories in our culture is to make people disbelieve in him. Whether you believe in the serpent who bites you or not is irrelevant. You will suffer the consequences of that bite. 

Josef Stalin famously stated "When I control the media, disarm the public, restrict and control travel, I have won, and the police state is already in place." We will perish, not with a shout, but with the whimper of subjugated slaves of the satanic State. We have a slim chance to reverse this precipitous decline at the polls this November. If the Democrats maintain power, not only our nation is dead, so are our souls. 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...