Saturday, April 20, 2024

It is now Illegal to be "Openly Jewish" in London. We're next.


The UK disarmed its citizens a few years ago. There was an unreported 300% increase on violent crimes (rape, burglary, muggings, etc). These were  suppressed by the UK government as "inciting or agitating unrest among the public'. With this action, citizens were summarily reduced to subjects and any semblance of personal freedom, and it gets worse with the passage of time. 

Recently, a Jewish man was accosted on a London street (he was wearing a yalmakir) by Mohammedan Pro-Palestinian rioters. The police, rather than go after the thugs attacking him, threatened him with arrest for "being openly Jewish" in public. They did back off on arresting him, but dragged him off for "questioning". This is because the London Mayor is Muslim,  a believer in Sharia Law and there have been so many illegal aliens from Muslim countries invading the UK that the population has shifted to a near majority of migrant/illegal aliens. Yes, this is the very definition of ethnic cleansing, and it is happening here as well. The difference here is that we are still (for now) armed citizens. Unfortunately for the people of the UK, they are not armed, and they, literally, are subjects, not citizens. There is no provision for personal protection, especially against police over reacting and abuse of UK citizens, almost always white, non Muslim Brits. A well known right wing reporter was dragged to the ground and beaten by 8 cops for asking Muslim rioters why they were blocking the street. He was, apparently,"inciting to riot" by asking rioters why they were rioting. You can't make this stuff up. 

With the armed resistance to US Marshalls confiscating the cattle of a western US farmer, the US government was placed on notice that we are not cowed subjects like England or Germany. However, the influx of illegals from the southern border and the influx of foreign agents through the Canadian border have created a possibility of a dystopian overturning of our republic by third world agents. the DNC has followed the playbook of the German Nazi Party post Reichstag fire by the book. BLM/Antifa are today's Sturmabteilung and the DOJ is the Democrats' Gestapo/SS. Only a police state allows the political arrest of an opposition candidate, especially when the sitting President is guilty of crimes far worse than the man he had arrested. 

One must keep in mind that both AOC and Hillary Clinton proposed a program to list and arrest anyone who voted for Trump or who supports him and reopen the concentration camps used in WWII to house Japanese Americans for use as "re-education" camps for "deplorables". This is the same term used by Stalin for the gulags in Russia. Don't think "that can't happen here!". Yes it can and it did in WWII. These camps were never really closed, and they are ready to be reactivated at any time. Recently, several Hollywood figures suggested that anyone who refuses a Covid vaccination should be rounded up and placed in these camps. The Progressive Left has no problem following the lead of the Soviet Union and the CCP in dealing with opponents of the Party. There is a reason why the Lefvt favors "gun control", it is literally the first step in creating a soviet style police state. 

The open border policy of the Democrats is a blatant ethnic cleansing program against Whites and Asians to replace the conservative voting bloc with "people of color" and Muslims who are well programmed into obedience to the government from their Third World background. They will do what they are told and the US will be converted en masse into a 1984 style police state. If you actually think that cannot happen, you are sadly mistaken. "All I need to do to establish an absolute authoritarian state is this: disarm the population, control the Media, and restrict travel. At this point, my control is absolute. " Josef Stalin. 

It has become apparent that the majority of "conspiracy theories" are indeed true. It is a standing joke among my friends that we all need new conspiracy theories because all the old ones have come true. All of the doomsday predictions in the 1960s by the KKK, John Birch Society, Abe Lincoln Brigades and other "hate groups" have literally come true. They were absolutely correct. Black activist groups have actively supported a de facto Black Supremacist Apartheid movement. Black Lives Matter is actually "Only Black Lives Matter" and Antifa is actually Anti-White, not anti-racist. Indeed Antifa is about as fascist as can be, as is BLM. 

In the current climate of progressive liberal absolutism, sanity and sense of reality are completely subjective and indeed reality itself is "optional". We are being forced to acknowledge that any dysfunctional mentally ill person who wants to believe they are not the biological sex they were born is correct. That is tantamount to enabling a paranoid schizophrenic delusional system and aiding them to live out that delusion. We even encourage LGBTQ acticvists to groom our kids into mutilation by "gender therapy" and open their minds to normalization of pedophelia. We are becoming a society where the insane are controlling the sane, not vice versa. 

Unfortunately, "for evil to flourish, it only requires that good men do nothing" and that is exactly what we are doing. We should be on the streets in vigilante squads protecting our society and weeding the garden. The government cannot and will not do so. The entrenched Obama era bureaucrats are both disinclined to do what is right and too incompetent to do so anyway. We need both a Convention of States to correct our Congressional dysfunction and gridlock and a Jeffersonian upheaval to correct the corruption of the liberals in our society. 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...