Saturday, June 15, 2024

I guess even the woke community has had enugh from arrogant and violent illegals getting away with murder, rape and gang activity.

"The Venezuelan illegal immigrant influencer who went viral with his TikTok videos urging other migrants to squat in people’s homes has been arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials,  Leonel Moreno was arrested by ICE’s Detroit field office and is now in federal custody, an ICE official told Fox News. He was caught by the agency’s fugitive ops team in Gahanna, Ohio on Friday.  In one night, ICE arrested 5 illegals who were released by Democrat DAs without bond, with no supervision. 4 of them are serial child rapists, the other, a MS13 gang banger also charged with serial child rape. These are what we have coming into our country courtesy of Biden's open border policy. "

The Democrat woke DAs are complicit in enabling these horrific crimes and maintaining "sanctuary city" policies that tie the hands of both federal and local authorities in dealing with crime by illegal alien invaders. The progressive faction of the Democratic Party has institituted the ongoing ethnic cleansing against whites and asians, trying to increase the ranks of mindless Democrat voters, even if they are voting illegally. Every Democrat voter is likewise complicit and has blood on their hands. The blood of these children cires out for vengence and strong action on our part. Every responsible citizen in this country should be up in arms against the Biden border policies, the liberal crime enabling Democrat political officials and the bureaucrats whose self serving poicies allow such things as these to go on.

Not only are liberals corrupt and morally bereft, their policies are both unworkable and incredibly damaging to the country. It is time to stop the rape of our Constitution and restore common sense are fiscal responsibility to our government. 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...