Sunday, November 19, 2023

Even Other Muslim Countries Don't want the Palestinians.

Why do Arab countries refuse to allow Muslims into their country? Simple, they, unlike us. realize that open borders allow groups like Hamas and Hezbollah to invade and destroy them. Yes, Hamas is "Islamic" technically, but they are part of an umbrella group called the Muslim Brotherhood whose goal is a Pan-Islamic Caliphate and the destruction of any and all democratically run countries, including Arab countries. Both Omar and Tlaib belong to the Muslim Brotherhood, to put things in perspective. It is telling that two of our "representatives" belong to a group dedicated to the destruction of all free countries and the imposition of a theocracy under Islamic Sharia instead of the Constitution.

When it comes to human freedom and democracy, Allah does not appear to be either merciful or beneficent. It would be funny, were it not so profoundly evil, that liberal women support Islam, blissfully unaware of what is awaiting them under strict Sharia. Feminists would be raped and stoned to death, homosexuals literally thrown off multistory buildings or in some cases, burned alive. Islam was originally spread at the point of a sword, and it has not changed one iota since AD 400. While revisionist history shows the Crusades as the warlike invasion of Christianity into Muslim countries, the truth is that Islam had attacked southern Europe for over 153 years before the first Crusade. Islam has been an oppressive and evil force since its inception, and it still is today, liberal spin aside. The actions of Hamas in burning people alive, and beheading babies in front of their parents before killing them as well; this is not uncommon under Islam. Terror is a part of sharia, as is slavery, rape, murder, and corruption as the way of running a country or a Caliphate. 

Many Democrats support Islamism, and Tlaib and Omar are just the most public of them. We would do well to remember this in the 2024 elections. The Left is not loyal to the Constitution, and they would gladly accept Sharia if they thought it would keep them in power, perhaps regretting it later, but then is too late. Once Sharia has attached itself like a leech to a country, nothing short of a bloody revolution will dislodge it. Thanks to gaslighting by the MSM and active subversion of the Constitution by Obama-appointed bureaucrats,. we face the threat of completely rigged elections and media support of terrorists. Our "president" was not legitimately elected, and he is prosecuting his opponent to remain in power, without one peep from the media. Never in our history have so many vitally important issues and stories have been completely ignored or actively suppressed by the media. 

We need to wake up, weed the garden, and take out the trash. Put Sanctuary cities under receivership under Federal Judges (non-liberal ones, preferably), relieve city councils and mayors of authority and investigate their activities, forensic audits of any and all financial activities, remove the police forces and retrain them under the LEO division of the US Armed Forces. Bring all military home from all but the most important security missions and put them on the borders, patrolling inner cities and hunting down illegals, especially gang members and human traffickers. Prosecute all criminal activities and depart non-criminal illegals immediately, put all illegals guilty of crimes into Guantanamo-like prisons with prosecution under a military tribunal, not liberal DAs (who should also be tried for all dereliction of duty and illegal political activity). House the homeless in abandoned buildings and put all welfare recipients to work under a program like the Civilian Conservation Corps. Suspend all immigration that is not critical for at least 10 years, and stop all foreign aid, putting that money into repair of our infrastructure and rejuvenating abandoned buildings into liveable housing for our homeless. 

Disband the IRS and establish a flat tax without any loopholes, all financial matters to be carried out by the Treasury as originally intended. Revoke the 17th Amendment and require strict adherence to the 10th Amendment, putting State legislatures in charge of the appointment of Senators, with only the House under direct election. Hold an immediate Convention of States to accomplish what our dysfunctional Congress cannot and will not. Prosecute Obama. Clinton and Biden for Benghazi and the negligent death of an Ambassador, followed by deliberately lying to the families and public. Put Loretta Lynch on trial for conspiracy and sedition for her "tarmac meeting" with Clinton and jail Eric Holder for negligent deaths of BP agents in "Fast and Furious". 

Pelosi, Cuomo and Fauci should both be jailed for the deaths of all the Covid patients when Pelosi blocked  Trump from stopping China travel at the beginning of the Pandemic and Cuomo refused to use the carrier Trumo supplied to keep Covid patients quarantined and out of Nursing Homes, Fauci for fraud and conspiracy in his underhanded funding for Chinese biological weapons labs and lying to the public about masking and vaccines. We can and should do all this and do it immediately, otherwise, we could face the destruction of our country and way of life 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...