Saturday, November 4, 2023

The Democrats Refuse to Disavow Antisemitism, but They Support Anti-Islamaphobia.


The DNC has a problem. For years the Dems have enjoyed nearly unlimited support from Blacks and Jews. They only acknowledge these groups for a short time prior to the election, and then ignore them for the rest of the term. This has gone on for so long, it's like some kind of cultural tradition. It is quite stupid, but so ingrained in the culture that I doubt any kind of rational discussion will change it. We don't behave  as rational beings in much of what we do. 

The game changer might be antisemitism and the islamophilic Democrat mindset. The DNC and its followers hate the Constitution, so do Muslims. Both of them don't believe in the rights and dignity of the common person, with the DNC believing all should bow to the Government and the dominant paradigm, and Islam believing all should bow to Allah and the Worldwide Caliphate. Both accept that the middle class should not exist. There should be the elites (mullahs and Imams vs wealthy elite Domoctats) and the common rabble. The latter are useful as cannon fodder and labor, but not much else. Both want a semi-illiterate workforce, smart enough to push the right button, but too dumb to question the will of those above them. On one hand , you have Big Brother as the face of big government, on the other Big Brother as Grand Imam. Take. your pick. 

Both Muslims and Democrats want the benefits of technology, but only for the elite, the masses can live in the idealized 4th century culture the Muslims cherish, and the Democrats love. If y ou find this scary, you are right, it is. It is also very nearly a fait accompli, depending on whether the Democrats can throw another election. 2024 is more than an election, it is a test of Ben Franlin's assertion "You have a Republic, Madame, if you can keep it!" A judge called for a rerun of an election when videos of ballot box stuffing that were incontrovertible went public. There are similar videos of the 2020 election and in the 2012 election, multiple voting localities had 110-120 % of registered voters voting Democrat. For some reason, no judge ever reviewed this, and between the MSM and the DOJ suppressing this evidence, it is now a crime to acknowledge the truth. Since the 2012 elections, no election has been free and fair, and the DNVC has systematically thrown every election in their favor. That is why the 2016 election of Trump ignited a firestorm that continues today. 

We are not a free nation, we are not much better in terms of our government than most of the Banana Republic nations. We are the #1 consumer of human trafficking, thus the furor over Ukraine. Ukraine is the world hotspot for human trafficking, so a lot of powerful people are in danger of losing a lot of money over the Ukraine. We are not the first country to have a leader jail his opponents, but the first in civilized Western culture to do so. 

Joe Biden is openly performing ethnic cleansing against European White legacy Ameticans. White Americans who are not well programmed liberals fully subservient to the government are educated, headstrong, principled and moral. Mainstream Christians, especially Roman Catholics have a far too rigid moral code and the don't bend well to secular authority. Furthermore, more Whites than any other group are both well informed and highly loyal to the Constitution, a document the Democrats hold in open contempt. Biden's open borders allow both human traffickers and naive latinos, used to autocratic government and more obedient than White Americans to become the majority, almost overnight. So it's a win-win for the Left. 

The UK and New Zealand were test cases for disarming the people. It worked well. In the UK, police are behaving like the Stazi and without any repercussions. People have been beaten and hospitalized for not wearing a mask when instructed to do so. Again, no repercussions. Christians who pray on the street in front of or even near (a block away or more) from Abortion clinics are jailed, multiple raids on their homes, confiscation of their property without getting it back, and fired from their jobs, then denied aid for being "terrorists". The UK people went overnight from being armed and free citizens to unarmed and subservient subjects by the simple act of confiscation of firearms. They are completely dependent on the government for protection of person, property and home. It didn't go well for them. Rapes, burgurlaries and personal assault went up well over 300-400 % in the first 6 months, and remain high. These crimes have been modified in how they are reported and documented, so realistic comparisons pre- and post- disarmament cannot be made. Convenient , that. 

We are on the verge of making the same mistakes. But due to the ethnic cleansing agenda and open border forced by the Left, there is a much more prevalent problem for us. The violent gangs like MS13 and the cartels, as well as militant Muslim cells have stampeded into our country. They are all very well armed. If the Biden administration succeeds in their "gun control" agenda, there will literally be nothing to stop or even impede these evil and violent groups. Elderly citizens and young kids are particularly vulnerable to attack and forced induction/recruitment for the kids. Unintended consequences whose impact will be felt by the people, not the government or the elites. 

None of this is hyperbole or "conspiracy" theories. It is cold, hard fact, and it will hit us hard. The 2024 election will be a watershed event. It will decide whether we become a 3rd world shithole or the last bastion of Western freedom and liberty in the world. It is that cut and dried. I hope the people will, en masse, pull their collective head out of their collective ass and do what is needed. Weed the Garden and Take Out the Trash, or face the consequences. 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...