Tuesday, December 6, 2022

why the 17th Amendment has caused our Senate to be useless as the House.



We find our government, under the liberals, becoming more and more like "Big Brother" from the dystopian novels like 1984, Animal House ,etc. This is because the Left believes that the average "deplorable" or common working class American, cannot make moral choices and individually will not make good choices for their own welfare. Thus, the Left believes an unrestricted. powerful and intrusive government is necessary for "our own good". That history has shown innumerable times this is not true is completely disregarded by the Left in their quest for a "benevolent" police state. 

Prior to the 17th amendment, the Senate functioned as the most effective check on the behavior of the government by acting as the voice of the states. This also caused the senators to be responsive to the will of their constituents, as the state legislature could at any time, fire and replace them if they failed to do so. The liberals never miss the chance to use a crisis for their own gain. The Civil War was no exception. 

Today, we see the country at its lowest point since the Depression. Thanks to Obama, we cannot trust government agencies to refrain from political activism. Biden not only stabbed our allies in the back in Afghanistan, he literally gave millions of dollars of our top line military assets to our enemies, without consequence. We've lost our energy independence, we literally kill our babies in the womb for profit, and even consider what once was immoral and perverted to be an "alternate lifestyle", while undermining the Constitution, traditional family and religion in the name of PC/Woke/LGBTQ activism.

We've lost our energy independence and no longer manufacture our own necessary goods. We are dependent on countries that hate us for our needs. Our southern border is so porous the 78,000 illegal aliens, including known terror cells and cartel funded gangs/drug dealers flood unimpeded into our country. All this thanks to our "benevolent" neo-police state. Thank a Biden voter.

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...