Sunday, December 4, 2022

When a black talking head is held to the same standards as a white talking head, why is it "racist"?


 Ayo Kimathi , openly black supremacist calling for mass murder of whites, is still employed by DHS. Tiffany Cross, MSNBC talking head, was repeatedly told to stop making anti-white and racist remarks by management, finally was let go. This was called racist by WaPo black apologists. Liberals, especially black female liberals in MSM and higher education seem to be allowed far greater leniency in spewing hate speech (e.g. Maxine Waters openly called for violence against families of Republican leaders). 

Yet, Joe Biden called "white supremacists" and MAGA as domestic terrorists and "the greatest danger to our country. One black TV host said Rittenhouse was a white supremacist murderer, "because he's white". Rittenhouse was shown on multiple videos to be retreating from physical attacks by Antifa street thugs, and ruled to have acted in self defense. But, because he is white, the liberal community wants him put down. Were he black, they would applaud his actions.

That no one seems to find this disturbing, unfair, racist and dangerous; this makes it disturbing, unfair, racist and dangerous. Neither Blacks nor Whites benefit from this kind of behavior; for one thing, it establishes credibility for previous white supremacy groups rhetoric. Everything the KKK, Abe Lincoln Brigade, John Birch Society, et al claimed years ago has literally been proven true. The behavior of radical black liberals is and has undermined the credibility of black activism. BLM has shown itself to be simply a scam, with its leaders making millions and aside from promoting useless violence, produced zero benefit for blacks in general. 

CNN's Don Lemon, gay black talking head, openly admitted that he doesn't even try to be objective or honest "Fairness is overrated" and liberals have turned news into nothing but hours of leftist opinions with absolutely no relationship to factual or objective news. Liberal supported LGBTQ activists, long claiming "we have no agenda" are openly grooming young children for gay predation, while liberal educators defend having gay/trans men in short skirts and no underwear, dancing for and reading gay porn to kindergarten kids. Barack Obama forced public schools to allow "trans" men into girls bathrooms, resulting in multiple incidents of " young women raped by boys wearing skirts", with a particularly lurid case occurring in Louden County Virginia. 

The infernal alliance of LGBTQ/Black/Progressive Liberal activism has resulted in serious cultural crises in our country, with a backlash growing rapidly. What Nixon called the Silent Majority is just beginning to synthesize and organize a response, and what were once centrist conservatives and now moving rapidly to the extreme right. This is all on the Left, they started it, they promoted it and now they are worried about what will happen when., not if, the Right returns the favor to the Left. The bulk of the Right are law abiding citizens who have trusted the government to be responsible in their enforcement of the law. When iot became apparent that the Democrats in power had no intention of curbing the amoral and illegal behavior of the Left, things begin to get ugly, and will probably get more so , unless moderate Democrats stand up to the extreme fringe of the Democratic Party. 

Joe Biden and Kamela Harris are, at best, incompetent; at worst, criminally negligent and sided with the amoral Left. They cannot/will not enforce the law against Leftist bad actors. Because of this, the majority of the country is getting fed up, and if their concerns are not addressed, the extreme right will become a mirror of the Progressive Left, and cooler heads will not prevail. Those on the left will not stand a chance against the worst the Right has to offer, and they know it. More Americans lost their lives n the Civil War than other wars combined. A new civil war in the US would be even more catastrophic. The DNC has to stop this from happening and police their ranks, join with conservative politicians to make the government enforce laws equally upon everyone and fairly. Finally, MSM needs to be cleaned out, along with the education system. Both need to be focused on their real jobs, objective factual news, and STEM/classical education respectively. 

Groups like BLM, Antifa, KKK all need to be brought to heel. Believe what you want, but behave lawfully or perish. Big Tech must be forced to obey laws, especially anti trust laws. IT is a simple truth, and a simple solution, everyone in Congress, the White House, MSM and Corporate entities just need to do their jobs. 


Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...