Friday, April 15, 2022

The meaning of Good Friday.

It is, at best, difficult to explain Good Friday to a non-Catholic, or even a poorly catechized Catholic. The lack of understanding of Good Friday and the Crucifixion in Protestantism is demonstrated in the statement "We (protestants) took Christ off the Cross". On the surface, this sounds like a good thing, well intentioned and rational. In fact, it is wholly Satanic and carefully, completely, precisely wrong, like all truly evil ideas and concepts. Satan is not foolish or imprecise.

This is not meant to be harsh, but the World, the Flesh and the Devil are one, until Christ comes again to reclaim us on the Day of Judgement. The idea that Christianity is sweet, placid and politically correct is absurd. Our legacy of Saints and Martyrs is not one of political correctness nor is it "nice". Christianity is not meant to be touchy-feely, indeed it is not about emotional satisfaction and comfort at all. It is not easy to follow Christ, in fact it is not possible at all without the intervention of Christ and the Holy Spirit. Do you actually think that any of the martyrs could have taken all that happened to them and remained steadfast without the power and presence of the Holy Spirit? 

Not only that, but Christ Himself fell to self doubt and fear of death in his mortal self, but His divine nature and devotion to His Father overcame that fear and doubt, as did the power of the Holy Spirit in the horrific suffering of the Saints and Martyrs. Christ was tempted as much as any of us, but He was obedient to the point of death, and that example is portrayed in His crucifixion. The presence of the Body of Christ on the Cross is not just for show, it is the sole truth and the reality of our Salvation, nothing less. It is not possible for us to say (and mean) "Thy Will, not mine, be done, Heavenly Father" without the presence of Christ crucified in our souls. 

The Cross, without the Body of Christ is just what it seems, an empty piece of wood, and it is the Body of Christ, not the wood of the cross, that is our salvation. We should and do cling to the Cross of Christ in our struggles throughout life, but it is the Body of Christ on that cross that is our salvation, out hope and our help. The wood of the cross is a symbol, but the Body of Christ is not a symbol, it is Truth, it is reality and it is our only hope of salvation. In Him, with Him, through Him forever is our salvation, our life and our hope. Amen. We forget this at the peril of our souls.  

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...