The Left in America have long played the dance of "Blacks matter, but only for the few weeks leading up to the election" with Black communities as willing dance partners. Cognitive dissonance is a powerful force in affecting behavior and perception and blacks are as vulnerable to it as anyone else. Blacks support the very people who are sucking the lifeblood out of their communities and refuse to see what is plainly going on right in front of them. The political left, not whites, not police, not the Republicans, not Asian or Jewish communities, but the very groups they support are destroying the black community. Blacks are playing along and literally killing each other in doing so.
Young men and boys are hardwired to compete and to fight. They will fight for something if so trained, or just fight if not. Their energy can be directed into protection of those around them, or into destroying those around them and themselves. The latter is the result of fatherless households, entertainment industry profit motivated culture of misogyny and violence that lines the pockets of record producers and groups like BLM (remember the 6 million dollar mansion BLM just bought for their leaders?) and is politically manipulated by the DNC and other political interests.
Somebody has to take the blame for all this, and every group that is parasitic of the black community is trying to blame whites and White Supremacists specifically. Looked at objectively that is a joke. If you actually know the White Supremacist movement, it is about as powerful a force and as credible as the Flat Earth society and just as full of crap. White Supremacy as a boogey man is laughable. But they do make great sound bites, as do their roomates, the NeoNazis. Another minascule group that is entertaining and not much else. Yet, many blacks actually believe these basement dwelling cretins are a credible threat and the cause of all miseries found in Black urban communities. Amazing!
The real failure rests in the leadership among blacks. Until black political and community leaders grow some balls and tell the truth about the problems in their communities, the left wing and black supremacist movements will continue to grow fat on the lifeblood of black commuities.
Problems like fatherless homes, Rap music culture adoration of violence, crime and death, black children raised (or not raised at all) to be victims, not responsible for their own actions and failures are not being addressed and are literally killing blacks by the hand of other blacks. The reversal of this engrained behavior will need a purge of black politicians like Maxine Waters and her ilk, and removing left wing progressives from power, local state and federal.
The police are demoralized and will never stop the violence, that will take military intervention, putting liberal run local governments into recievership under federal judges, prosecution of left wing DAs whose abysmal failure in prosecution of black criminals is a cancer in our country, and the training of black kids by mature and responsible adults as mentors, while their "crack ho" mothers and absent fathers are punished and rehabilitated if possible for their reprehensible neglect of their children.
Immigration (actually foreign invasion) of our country and the subsequent drain on our resources must be stopped completely and reversed, with all illegals removed and returned form whence they come, as well this should apply to people like Omar and the Islamic Brotherhood that Obama actively inserted into the government in an attemot to undermine the country All agents of hostile foreign owers must be removed and their threat removed, so there is neither diversion of resources not distraction from healing the festering wounds that urban black communities have become under liberal givernment.
Blacks and everyone else need to be Americans, not black, white, yellow or red Americans, just Americans. Liberal influence in public education, colleges and Universities and mainstream media mut be purged and their vampiric relationship with blacks dismantled. I think a Convention of States under Article 5 of the Constitution is sorely needed and soon. We are being degraded into a spiral down to third world status by the actions and agenda of the leftist glabalists and it is already in place in black urban ghettos. It will spread if not checked and reversed by the above means.
Jefferson said in speaking to a woman outside the Capitol after signing the Constitution into law " You have a Republic, madam, if you can keep it"
'nuff said!