Friday, April 22, 2022

Pondering the Left's Defense of Biden's Energy Policies

"According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, under the Trump Administration the United States became a net total energy exporter in 2019 for the first time since 1952 and maintained that position in 2020 even though both total energy production and consumption were lower in 2020 than in 2019.
Indeed, according to the Energy Information Administration, during that 2-year period, the United States Field Production of Crude Oil (expressed as “per thousand barrels”) was as follows:
2019: 4,485,712
2020: 4,129,564
For comparative purposes, the Field Production of Crude Oil (expressed as “per thousand barrels”) under the Biden Administration in 2021 was 4,082,477.
Thus, the record evidence doesn’t support Joe Biden’s assertion that he’s doing everything possible to prevent rising gas prices”."

This is from a response to an article bemoaning "unjust attacks on Biden's energy policies" with the emphasis of the article being that if one attacks a liberal, it is always wrong, and the person attacking is evil, usually a White Supremacist/ Nazi and the other ad hominem attacks we see endlessly against any conservative who questions the endless wisdom and beneficence of liberal icons, even demented ones like Biden. The article tried to paint Biden as providing even more oil than Trump, and that attacks on Biden were unjustified. In fact, Biden's policies and actions are indeed the cause of $2 gas prices skyrocketing to over $4 per gallon and beyond. Yes, he did that.

There is little actual discussion of the merit of the argument from the right, which are, by liberal definition, invalid. The fact that any questions about the suspicious activities of people like the Trumps are pursued doggedly and even if false, will be paraded, until proven false, whereupon there is deafening silence from the left. In contrast, let any liberal be questioned in the same way, the defeaning silence begins immediately, and the ad hominem attacks against the questioner start soon thereafter. It is what it is, hypocritical at best, repugnant at worst.

For the record, I have done parallel research on accusations against conservatives (eg, Kavanaugh) and liberals (eg Clinton/Obama and Benghazi). I avoided the circus maximus that was the "investigation" of Trump as that was so egregious that is is an outlier by any measure. The recent SCOTUS appointee was not only treated with kid gloves, even when treated like royalty the media were excoriating the right for any question that was not fawning. It was a disgusting performance.

The point is, that if one objectively follows the pattern of followup on charges/questions on any conservative vs a similar one against a liberal, there is such a different set of rules that it would seem the two investigations were conducted in two different countries. There is no doubt about this, stonewall as the left may do, again, it is what it is.

I invite any liberal who contests this to just read the Congressional Record on the Democrat response to charges and questions about the Clintons. Very little, if any discussion of factual information presented is discussed ; in fact, the use of Biblical records pointing our the sins of bearing false witness against one's neighbor without any real proof the witness actually being false is fairly extensive. This is the pattern for the entire Democrat response to most accusations against liberals is to cause the offending conservative to be benighted, so any accusation made by such an evil and mean spirited person cannot be considered of any merit. Never mind that the actual issue (eg Benghazi) is never seriously or objectively investigated, but a conspiracy of silence and suppression unites the media so that the information to the public is hopelessly skewed. 

Obama used the DHS and FBI to spy on his political opponents, and the IRS to intimidate them. This was never really denied, but it is a major ethical issue, if not felonious behavior. Imagine the response it the same thing were done by a conservative. Even the most staunch liberal cannot deny that the treatment of Trump, Kananaugh etc, is entirely different than Biden, Harris, Waters et al receive at the hands of the media. 

One of the liberals on Twitter that I converse with, spar with and generally disagree with tells me that all of the allegations  against Biden are false. (despite the laptop, the pictures. the phone records, the emails)  as are those against Hunter Biden. This is not because there is no merit in the accusations, there are no "sources" as in, the media simply ghosted the issue. I contend that until the treatment of both liberals and conservatives is equal ( not equitable, that is just as bad) but equal treatment, investigation of behavior, evidence and air time, no argument made by any liberal has any credence to me. I want to see Pelosi ranting about Jesse Smollett just as vehemently as she did against Kavanaugh. I want to see CNN do equal time about the laptop of Hunter Biden as the phone calls by Trump to Ukraine. 

Yeah, I know that will never happen, but maybe someday  few honest liberals will actually admit that the above behavior against the right was and is repugnant. If the Republicans do take the House this year, the Left knows the Republicans will treat them with more respect and fairness than they gave to the Republicans; all the while also attacking the Republicans with false accusations and grievances. There are a few things that the left cannot control in their behavior-1. spending other people money 2 increase taxes 3 overreach in their regulatory activities. 4. playing the victim while oppressing the Conservatives. 

I know it is foolish to either expect honorable behavior from the Left, just as I know every leftist who reads this will shut down and deny any such behavior. Even with video evidence of same. It is wrong, but somehow justified in the "woke" society. I doubt it will change any time soon.

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...