Monday, April 4, 2022

Free college isn't free, or why the liberals need to put down the koolaid and pay attention.

 A long time ago, an economist met a liberal on the bus, they were discussing the role of government in Higher Education. The liberal noted that so many of the homeless people and panhandlers on the street would have done better in life with free education. The Economist countered that if education were free and controlled by the government, the entire country would be on the streets with the homeless people already there. " The problem with giving out free stuff by the government is that the "free stuff" is always paid for by other people, not the government. Take enough of other peoples money, and they become broke, too,and need the government to support them. It takes little imagination to understand that eventually, other people's money runs out." 

This point is always lost on left wingers and closet socialists, as well as the local governments of most Democratic run cities ( all of which are pretty much in chaos and look like war zones in a third world country) Liberals, like most leeches, do not know when to stop sucking. Over reaching is as natural to a liberal as breathing. They can't help themselves, and the mess in which we now find ourselves is example enough. 

I recently got tweeted ( in response to my tweet that trans "women" [men who cannot compete with other men successfully] are damaging our young women athletes physically, emotionally and career wise) a full frontal assault, complete with ad hominem attacks on my faith, reason and sanity. The tweeter, an apparent Prog Democrat, argued that free education did away with the "scholarship problem", a problem srtificially created by men pretending to be women and aided and abetted by the liberal feminist movement, a movement supposedly dedicated to the advancement of women in society. Yeah, it has gotten that twisted because of the LGBTQ agenda that the LGBTQ comunity and prog Democrats swear isn't an agenda at all. Got it?

The feminist movement and title 6 have shot themselves in the foot and failed to protect young women because they drank the poison of the LGBTQ agenda ( yes the agenda that the LGBQ community swore up and down they didn't have; that agenda). Now, promising young women are losing their dreams of college athletic scholarships and indeed being injured in some cases by young men in skirts who saw an opportunity and took it. Thank a liberal for that. 

Everything accomplished in the last 2 decades for women's sports has been lost, thanks to the feminist supporting LGBTQ Big Lie instead of trying to protect the women they claim to support. Now the unintended consequences of that very bad decision have come home to roost. Thanks gals, you really screwed the pooch on this one. Of course you could always blame Trump, err no, you can't can you?

Of course, the LGBTQ community claims to have no agenda, but gay men in miniskirts sans underwear are "reading" to kindergarten kids, young girls are being sexually assaulted in their own bathrooms by men in dresses, and the one wholesome venue for children to watch, Disney, has decided to teach CRT and gender flexibility/child sexuality in its movies and shows. In the words of Shriekback "Hammerheads" "You let them in, and now they're everywhere, these hammerhead people, they know what danger is for"

The traditional family, morals and ethics are all being attacked by people who just want to do what they want, without any legal or moral restriction. What could possibly go wrong? God help us! As ever, thank a Biden voter.

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...