Friday, November 12, 2021

reposting for a friend. Good read.

Gary Gobel

Couple of things, Biden is a figure head, a puppet designed to absorb all the attention. Most military folks just do the job and don't have any more perspective than civilians on this issue. We spend far more than we need to by having an expeditionary military that operates under the premise that we need to fight them there so we don't have to fight them here. The truth is, we'd not have to fight them anywhere if we were not over there and we are not the international cop on the beat. Further, if we were really concerned about security we'd not have a wide open southern border. Every dollar we spend on this game is a dollar we don't spend on our own schools, infrastructure or social programs. We spend over $70 to $100 billion a year on maintaining existing military bases and sites around the world that have nothing to do with actually defending this nation. We maintain 12 expensive carrier battlegroups to get there fistest with the mostest with portable tactical airpower to far away places to get involved in other people's issues when land based airpower is cheaper, more survivable and better at defending this nation, we give Israel and Egypt each $1.8 billion in security assistance annually and have done so since the 1978 Camp David Accords....that's over 43 years X $3.6 billion, do the many schools, how much Medicare funding and infrastructure is that do you suppose? We pay dues to NATO in the millions even though the Marschall Plan was a complete success and those rich European Countries have long been able to fully defend and protect their nations from a USSR that collapsed in 1989 and has no plans to invade through the Fulda Gap....not really. We have been in a stand off in South Korea for over a half century defending them with our forces when I see Hyundais all over the place........make sense to you? Then we give away many billions in Security Assistance and Foreign Aid for an inconsistent and constantly changing foreign policy while we have to have a major political war to build a frigging border wall. We host the UN in NYC when it should be headquartered in the third world in some place like in Port a Prince Haiti where its real mission is and you mentioned AWACs....those 707 airframes with TF33 engines are 1970s technology while other nations are sporting the latest thing in airframe and radar technology....because those 33 airframes are operating on a shoe string budget. Bottom line, we could have far better defense designed around the proven concept of deterrence for far less, our borders could be better secured and we'd piss off a whole lot less people a round the world by minding our own business and do the smart thing....... and that is be an example of a well run, law abiding nation of free citizens rather than a world wide busy body and minion of the New Word Order operated by a shadow government, the Deep State.......... if we lost the really really really really stupid expeditionary military structure....keep some portion of course but be focused primarily on defending our nation then we could do it for a whole lot less and do it better. Here's your reading assignment for today. Now, cast you eyes to the federal beast....those liberal corruptions in congress are on a spending spree.....infrastructure and social whatever multi trillion dollar pork laden bills that will collapse this economy but, first you'll have hyper inflation and get to watch foreign nationals stream across our border to feast on our expensive, tax paying citizen funded social are being raped....let's review, raped and for greater clarity.....raped and they are doing it because we as a people are ignorant....that word was ignorant. G.Gobel.

November 6 at 6:28 PM


Gary Gobel
You as a free citizen can choose what you read, what you attend, what you support. On social media, you have the option to scroll on past or block anyone who you feel is stepping over the line, using hateful language or misrepresenting have that ability and that right. In this free nation, the use of censorship based on esoteric, equitably or poorly enforced and frankly subjective "community standards", is a violation of your First Amendment right of freedom of speech and a method of oppression. If you control speech on your site as an admin or do not speak what you believe due to this oppression, then you're accepting the chains of slavery on yourself and/or on others G.Gobel.

November 7 at 5:00 AM


Gary Gobel
The non negotiable right of free speech. The liberal mind is a creation of the massive ignorance of this nation. Several generations of high school grads who were not taught History, Civics or Government (or even basic life skills like doing their taxes, having a budget, relating to police while knowing their constitutional rights at a traffic stop) and have been marinated in liberal propaganda by liberal socialist propagandists masquerading as News Media and educators. This herd, that votes at the immature age of 18 for the trendy and the contrived is what you call the liberal mind and it is intolerant as well, as your own experience should show you. That said, discussion even in the slightly protected adult group discussion sites group admins should know this and not be out there with less concern for the existence of a group than you are for its vital rights of free speech and expression are part of the have become prison trustees. How is it that anyone is blocked on an adult discussion site when membership is to a degree voluntary and controlled by admins? What need of community standards is there when you can block and shun for yourself and you choose membership? Think. Then there is the bullying need to be protected on the internet they say. Well, kids are protected from buying alcohol and smokes and we are protected from them driving cars at too early an age while we allow them to roam free among adults even on what could be exclusively adult discussion sites and then we limit adults if they say what we label "hate speech" or "bad language". That is insane and it is just one of the excuses for this oppression. When we let the propagandists do our thinking for us we get what we have. G.Go

The corruption of the federal government is now severe. If this were a private concern, I'd voice my concerns but as Snowden was held as a criminal and many have bought into that attack on this patriot whistleblower, I must remain mute on those concerns.
Please post for Veteran's Day:What most Americans think of when they think of the military are the troops we have deployed in the Middle East…….expand your perspective…… It's the young sailor on a nuclear submarine, the maintenance troop on a B-52 bomber in a northern tier base freezing his butt off on a cold open flight line, the missile control officer in a silent bunker at ground zero for any preemptive strike, the coast guards man in a cutter off our coast in rough seas that do more to protect this country from attack than the iconic Navy Seal, infantry grunt or marine patrolling some mountain pass in Afghanistan. A dangerous job to be sure and one requiring great training and physical capabilities. But.....the unsung heroes are the troops that man the walls. The ones that provide nuclear deterrence, air supremacy, surveillance, and homeland defense that are forgotten by the mainstream media and the thrill seeking, video game raised people of this country. The memes are always of the troops we've put in the hot spots but never let us forget who is directly protecting your homeland.......the unsung heroes of the military. They don't make such dramatic memes but, I will take them over the others if I have to choose. They are directly engaged in protecting my country, my loved ones and our collective butts, here and now. Here's to the troops......all of them. G. Gobel.

Gary Gobel
I’m conflicted. Every time I see something on TV about the Wounded Warrior Organization I’m proud of Americans for caring for our veterans who were maimed in combat. Strangely, it upsets me as well…..why you ask.? It upsets me because there should be nothing left wanting for these people and their families by this rich nation that even leaves a niche for Wounded Warriors to operate in. Before we give a dime in foreign assistance, security assistance or even to buy those extra F-35s……we should take care of all the needs of the men and women who fought and were wounded. They should be sent, not to the troubled VA operation but, to the best clinics this country has to offer and the federally collected taxes should pay for it. All of it. One other thing, those of you who are conflicted about these deployments and wars that seem to be unending and in which we the people seem to have less and less to say……remember, a serviceman or woman, by taking the oath, training and taking up arms is serving to protect our rights and freedoms just by the deterrence of being in the Armed Forces. The issue of protesting political decisions or the conduct of military leadership has nothing to do with supporting our troops. They may or may not be correctly deployed in the defense of our freedom but by being in that uniform, they deserve the respect that goes with the willingness to serve and protect. That is deterrence and it is separate from the criticisms that may or may not be valid in protesting leadership’s use our military. Last thing, honoring our veterans is something that must be more than lip service in this country. If you served or, you earned your retirement and benefits, you have your full constitutional rights and you should be honored for the time you served. Retired military or veterans are not an inconvenient burden but a testimonial to the preservation of our rights and freedoms that has occurred through the deterrence of aggression by a strong, effective military. Look upon them with pride and know what you are saying when you say, thank you for your service. G. Gobel.


Gary Gobel
Happy Veteran's Day.

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...