Tuesday, November 2, 2021

The Last Few Years in Virginia Teaches the Country Everything It Needs to Know About the Democrats.

 The latest news reports from one of the extremely leftist MSM in Virginia recently stated that "if the Republicans win, they will, as they usually do, cut taxes. McAuliffe will, if he wins, provide free preK classes for underprivileged children.." Sounds a lot like virtue signaling. In fact it is virtue signaling in intent. Also it ignores where that money for the projects actually came from, namely, the taxpayers.

Obviously, the liberal MSM is so very out of touch with working class America (indeed, generally ignores them) that they don't even notice that their message is tone deaf in the extreme. The working class, by both tacit and overt admission from both sides of the aisle, pay too much in taxes already. The Republicans point out, accurately, that the Democrats have one superpower; they spend other people's money. Unfortunately for them, the cash cow is running dry, and they have leeched the Social Security funds to the point of anemia, funds NEVER intended for the uses the Democrats have put them to for years. Social Security is not an entitlement, it is a fund the working class paid into with the understanding and legal promise that none of that money would be squandered by politicians, particularly Democrat liberals, to buy votes or support perks and projects designed to enrich the coffers of leftist politicians and organizations. 

From murdering babies to funding free telephones and incentives for multigenerational ghetto welfare moms to have more and more illegitimate children from men who never have and never will support their children to political payoffs for dictators and terrorist groups overseas, to encouraging illegal immigration, our hard earned money has been used for supporting an immoral, socially poisonous and degenerate society segment that is about as close to leeches as a human can get, all without my or anyone else's consent or approval. The left has used Social Security to buy black votes, plain and simple, committing a crime that should put them in jail were it committed by a business or securities and exchange group, and to support countries that hate us and fully intend for us to fall. All this in the name of advancing a leftist globalist agenda that leads us into a downward spiral into ruin and eventual third world shithole status. 

NO amount of media spin nor Democratic political rhetoric changes the fact that the Democrats have betrayed us, the working class of America, and they have no problem in metaphorically rubbing our collective nose in that mess. I have many friends who are liberals, and otherwise intelligent, cogent and rational people. When it comes to the liberal narrative, though, truth and objective reality be damned. Liberal narrative uber alles! It is sick and devoid of merit or benevolence. Cynicism and hypocrisy are core principles of the modern leftist and they really don't care what we the people think. They view 1984 as a guide book, not a cautionary tale. We are all in this particular handbasket and well on our collective way to Hell, whether we wanted to come along or not.

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...