The current regime can't find their collective as with both hands in the proverbial windstorm, because they weren't meant to. The long game for the Democrats is to beggar this country, countering the gains made by the Trump administration, but blaming him for the failures, or deliberate sabotage of the economy and social structure. At their core, liberal Democrats hate the USA, hate it with an intensity that most conservatives cannot imagine. Soros and the rest of the liberal elite are wallowing in their plot to make America a globalists dream of another third world shithole.
In case you don't think liberals want a police state, look at what the liberals have done in New Zealand and Australia, both formerly fiercely independent, individualist nations. Now, however, they are disarmed, oppressed and cowed. Police literally beat people up and cuff them for not wearing a mask, When the Ausies were first disarmed by the government, violence against elderly people increased 3 fold in less than a month. Gangs knew old people were unarmed and unprotected, and they made the best of it,
We have a demented pedophile and a "woke" hooker nominally running things, although that situation is a subject for another post. Usually the incompetence of the President and VP is blunted somewhat by public pressure from the press and other media, but the media is broken and most of the so called journalists are so wrapped up in the liberal narrative, they are literally unaware of the goings on in the White House. Those who do have any idea of the snake pit the Oval Office has become are told what to ignore and what to spin. So much so that the White House PR department and the media are now indistinguishable. Instead of reporting factually on the brazen negligence of Harris, the media did a fawning fluff piece on her new shoes. This is the stuff of sitcoms, and the fact that it is a real situation should be producing hysteria in the media.
As it is, the media is fully in puppet mode with the upper echelon of the democratic party pulling the strings. A former employee of MSNBC quipped that the upper management did such micromanagement that the front line journalist no longer even wrote their reports. Those were almost entirely (and in some cases, literally) dictated by the senior management. It didn't matter what the reporter saw or reported, the story was rewritten and reported to the public as the political powers dictated.
Things in Washington have become so egregious, however, that even the most leftist news outlets are realizing that they look bad, very bad, and have not been credible for the last decde at least. Aside from the most fanatically liberal radicals, most people no longer even expect the "news" to be news. Even calling it opinion is a stretch, as the "opinion" is not that of the reported, it is what they are told to say, as if they really believed it. They know better, but the person who signs their paycheck is their God. Amen.