Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Dems voting act is hardly for the people.

The  House passed H.1, purported to be a voting law for the people. The only people it is for are the incumbent liberals, non citizens and of course, leftist elites. Why does the left not want stringent monitoring of elections? Simple; they fixed the last one, got illegals to vote their way, prevented free and fair observation by  both major parties, let democrats vote as many times as they wanted, and allowed no controls on absentee ballots whatsoever. 

I understand that at first glance, leftists might think this is OK. After all, they got everything they wanted, including letting a pedophile and a hooker into the White House, illegals got to vote, the new President wants the UN to have influence in our internal policies, what's not to like? Start with drastic increases in crime, drug imports, internal security risks, urban crime spikes, riots, attacks on Jews and Asians, extreme influence on our lives by a minority of the population, a group that does not care whether this country thrives or not, indeed does not care about this country at all. 

Combine that with loss of literally tens of thousands of jobs, increased inflation, skyrocketing gas prices and dependence on foreign oil and natural gas when 100 days ago we were not only energy independent, but were the number one exporter of natural gas on the planet. 100 days ago we had the lowest unemployment in decades, including minority unemployment. Our international standing was the best it has ever been. Now we are a literal joke among both our allies and our enemies. Joe Biden even gave Putin a list of our most valuable and vulnerable targets. I would like to think he is just incompetent, but I have to wonder if he is owned by foreign interests due to his son's criminal activities. 

Even the most libtarded among us has got to see that we are not, repeat not, headed anywhere but toward third world status and extreme vulnerability to both internal and external threats to our freedom and even our existence as a nation. It is really that bad and may or may not be reversible. The left has removed all checks and balances that prevented one party from running amok, drunk on power. We are in very bad shape. 

All this is due to a lack of regulation on leftist media, insurance companies and an overreaching intrusive nanny state. Rioters and terrorists are "peaceful demonstrators" and conservatives who invaded the capitol to protest the suppression of the right and an illegal fixed election, not only were falsely villified, but one of them was shot for no particularly good reason other than that she was protesting. She was white, so the media painted it as OK. Remember the statement earlier in the post that a minority has gained too much influence? Only black deaths are important, according to the degenerate "woke" cancel culture run by elite billionaires like Soros, that ex Nazi bastard. 

IF we as a nation do not stop the Marxist progressive left, BLM, Antifa and the other anti-American globalist , neo Socialist groups in their tracks and soon, our country will literally become a third world apartheid shithole that even the mindless leftist dingbats won't be able to tolerate. The problem with the left is that they lack the ability to understand the consequences of getting exactly what they think they want. Look at Venezuela and realize that if the left and groups like BLM, Antifa and the Islamic movements are not stopped cold, we will be Nueva Venezuela. You libs will not like what you are asking for if you get it. 

We need to stop the liberal Congress from making elections fixed in their favor a permanent part of our voting process. Given their way, the liberals will make our elections into something from Stalinist Russia. It will be an election in name only. 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...