The garden is coming along, and things are looking like spring. I lost both my hives this year thanks to mites, poor weather and yellow jackets. I am taking a year off t moths,to recover and set up new hives, fresh treated and repainted. I have to char the insides of the boxes to kill off any mites, hive moth eggs, or pathogenic bacteria. I will probably get a nuc or two next year and get back into it.
My wife and I also took a bike ride and got home before the promised thundershowers this afternoon. We need the rain for our rain barrel. Container gardens need more water than in ground gardens. The garden I designed used 6 -55 gal plastic barrels, cut lengthwise and with a drain hole (about 1/8") in the bottom. then the barrel halves went on cinder blocks with the holes up. This allows the planting of herbs alongside the main beds and gets rid of almost all the weeding, not to mention it is much easier on the back.