Tuesday, June 1, 2021

A Rational Argument


From my friend Gary Gobel:

Never have understood the term moron.....it should be less on.....here's a lesson for you less ons. 

The best way to end conspiracy rumors and reunite the people in trust of the process is to review evidence, with public oversight in a court or to form the congressional investigative committee prior to certification of the vote as was recommended by Senator Cruz when he rose in protest of the election on 6 Jan.

Contrary to statements that courts have rejected the evidence, courts have in point of fact only rejected the consideration of the evidence.....now, that is a big difference. Let me know if I am exceeding your limited capacity to think and I will slow it down and use simpler words. Never was there a more made to order case for our arbiter of constitutionality, the Supreme Court than 19 states sueing 6 states for unconstitutional conduct in a national election.....yet, the robed wonders ducked it on the weak issue of standing with two justices dissenting.....an outrage but, I think many liberals know that and I think you will defend any outcome, regardless of whether it destroys the rule of law and produces fatal disunion to get your way in this election because your limited capacity intellect does not understand that when you enforce justice buffet style then there is no rule of law and this nation of, by and for the people will be in disunion....now Lincoln warned that a house divided, can not stand but you don't seem to be astute enough to grasp his meaning.

Ridicule of those who no longer trust this government is actually the conduct of a moron and in our last civil war, it cost this nation 620,000 to 750,000 combat deaths......so holster your mouth and require the evidence, small or massive, weak or powerfully strong...whatever be presented, reviewed, and if appropriate rejected or acted on.

The Liberal Democrat Government of New York Demonstrates What is Wrong with Liberal Governments.

  Clip52.7K2,837 I have often said that the issue I have with Democrats, especially far left Democrats, is their love of power and control. ...