Tuesday, June 29, 2021

This must stop Now!

 Gwen Berry, left, looks away as DeAnna Price and Brooke Andersen stand for the national anthem after the finals of the women'The entire point of being an Olympic athlete is to represent your country on the international stage. To show respect for the nation and flag that made it possible for this black woman to gain fame and noteriety, and probably a lot of money would be simple decency, no matter what your politics might be. The Democrats claim to be loyal Americans, but they support groups that are literally committed to the destruction and downfall of the USA. 

When the President of the United States, whose bona fides is suspect at best anyway. decided to support this disresect of our flag, anthem and nation in front of the world, it weakens us in the eyes of our enemies, our allies and our own people. 

I am a veteran, like me, millions of Americans of all colors, religions, political persuasions and national heritages have given the country they love a "blank check" for an amount up to and including our lives. Some of us had that check cashed for the amount in full, and may God rest their heroic souls. For me to watch this disgusting, self important, disrespectful piece of trash not only do this, but to face no consequence for her betrayal and selfish press moment is about as hard as anything I have ever faced. I have family and friends who died for that flag, men I knew who never came home and whose families may have watched this horrific act of personal cowardice self aggrandizement in horror.

I call on the US Olympic Committee and our government to act with dignity and honor and not only ban this bitch from sports for life, but to remove her from any public office, school, scholarship or government employment for life. This has got to stop, and stop now!

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...