Sunday, July 25, 2021

Antifa mocks Deputy Sheriff who died in standoff.

Portland protests: 13 events declared riots in more than 80 days, police  say | KATU 

OK, I understand that we need the ability to express ourselves, especially when we disagree with something political. In fact it is necessary for the loyal opposition to do have its say in the face of overwhelming majority situations. Hell, the Democrats would dois one of them everything under cover if they could get away with it. 

However, there is some kinds of commentary that really have no place in civil society and indeed have no place at all. Antifa's public mockery of the death of a deputy sheriff and their callous disregard for his family and friends is one of them. Antifa by its very nature is a disgusting group of self important socially stunted wannabees who resemble the common housefly in their natural habitat. They hang around shit, bother people and have no redeeming value. Indeed they may even be minions of Beelzebub for all I know. 

The point is this; we, as a society, must demand that we have regard for common decency and compassion. I have no right to wish harm on them just because their beliefs differ from mine, nor do I. 

This being said, I do have supreme antipathy for their actions and disloyalty to our country. More so for the Democrats who actively support them in their effort to undermine our nation and push our country into third world status. Incompetent and undeserving pampered brats who rode to power on the coattails of better people like AOC support them because she and people like her want power, and they have no qualms about using any means necessary, legal or not, ethical or not, to gain that power. 

Those who studied history (which leaves out almost two entire generations) may remember Cinncinnatus, a legendary Roman general and leader who was first and foremost a worker and a farmer. He was plowing his field when war broke out and a delegation from Rome came and pleaded with him to lead the army to break the siege of Rome. He left his plow in the field, defeated the enemy, saved his country and literally returned to his field and plowed and planted his farm. 

This is what  real leader is; this is what we do not have. Our "leaders" are self serving politicians leading an entrenched cadre of equally self serving bureaucrats whose sole purpose in life is to maintain their position, usually at the cost of governmental function and efficiency. They are all unethical, amoral and dangerous. Trump was destroyed for trying to purge them from our government. Look at the texts by Agent Strzok of the FBI "We have a plan in place to prevent him from being elected". Strzok led the "investigation" of Trumps faked Russian collusion. Collusion that Biden has openly committed and his son's illegal and lucrative deals with both Russia and China are not even looked at. This is achieved by the nearly illegal actions by our beloved, not! Media, 

That we tolerate the status quo is both an indictment of our lack of civic responsibility and our collective cowardice. Years ago, a young woman named Kitty Genovese, was brutally murdered in front of an apartment house with over 100 witnesses over a 30 minute period. No one did anything and when the police investigated the crime, they asked these people why. They each answered that they thought someone else would call the police. No one ever did, and Kitty died horribly. 

Our nation is in a Kitty Genovese situation. We are watching her being raped and killed by leftist activism, BLM, amoral and unethical politicians like Pelosi, Schumer and AOC, and groups like the Muslim Brotherhood and Antifa. Why? Decent people would not let this happen; have we lost all decency as a nation? Do we as a people not care if our country is destroyed by people like Biden and Harris, whose apparent goal is to drive us into third world status? How did we come to this? We call deviant sexual behavior "brave" and immoral behavior is literally enshrined on our TV series. We praise a culture that has no father in the household and whose tenets espouse violence against other races, rape and violence against women. Their songs elevate drug addiction and gang violence to a place of worship, and though they constitute 14% of the population, commit well over 80% of all violent crime. The media tries to suppress this, but you can't suppress what is literally happening outside your window. 

"when the truth is made to e lies, and all the joy within you dies" were lyrics of a song by Jefferson Airplane and it was prophetic. We are all guilty of the same sick immobility that allowed the death of Kitty Genovese, but this time far more than one unfortunate young woman will die. 

Well, Trump won, and We're Still Alive and Doing Fine.

 It's really rather amusing to think the sun came up as usual and nothing broke the day after Trump won, and won copnvincingly./ We are ...